What If You Have Nothing To Say?

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and all of a sudden you have nothing to say?

By the time you think of what you need to say it’s 30 minutes later in an elevator! In your head you have the conversation. “They would say …. and I would say … and they would respond ….”

With everything going on in your life today you know it is going to happen at some stage.

Maybe it’s on a stage? Maybe it is when you are introducing someone at an event and you suddenly forget their name or the location you are in. Maybe the sponsors name slips from your mind – so what do you do?

Personally, I just make stuff up and keep talking!

I don’t just make anything up. I make up something relevant, something about what is happening around me, hopefully something funny or so unfunny people think it’s a dad joke.
I work with what is in the room so that everyone can share the fun of what is happening.

This is the art of Improv.

The lovely Tanya (or as I call her Door Number 1) accompanied me to Theatre Sports recently, as performed by one of Australia’s premier improv companies, Impro Melbourne

The stories we were beguiled with ranged included: the singing chickens at the country fair, the romantic version of Hansel and Gretel (with stalker room mate), the pivot table Shakespearean Halloween story, Euripides in the Wollongong Caravan park – plus many more.

The power of Improv is in the “Yes and.” It means you take what you have and then build on it with the intent of making your partner (or the audience) look great.

This concept is also powerful in every day conversation, showing that you listen or finding something to say when your brain suddenly stops and you have nothing to say.

So what will you say?

If you are interested in Improv at all, I highly recommend you check out Impro Melbourne shows and Workshops. I have long been a student of theirs and it has really pushed my MC/Speaker work to the next level. If you are not based in Melbourne, an internet search will help find a company near you to visit.

Booking for the 2017 Success Session have started. If you want to make 2017 your best year ever, check out the details of the day to be held here in Melbourne and take advantage of the early bird special.