Be Easy to Try, Easy to Buy, Easy to Say Goodbye

There is something fabulous about the concept of “Just make it Easy!”
The more you can remove barriers to your transactions and relationships, the better. Better for you, better for your client and better for your ongoing relationship.
A speaking colleague of mine has said that he no longer uses speaker agreement. He is happy to work on a handshake. He will do what it takes to make his client happy and accept whatever terms they want.
Is it a smart way to do business? Maybe. Does it remove barriers and obstacles? Definitely.
But it is not just about doing business, it is the same when delivering on your commitments. Make it Easy!
I have sat in on so many presentations that were… well … Hard to watch! The data sets were confusing, the graphs were pretty but didn’t say much, and at the end of it all I didn’t know what to do with all that information. Make it easy for me. Tell me what it is important. Tell me what to do with this (even if it is simply good background information.)
How many times have you wanted to give feedback to a company and they advise you “All feedback must be in writing from this particular part of the website but you need to create an account first and then you need to answer the security questions and then …” You are sooooo long gone from that.
When your house mate says what do you want to do for dinner, do you start the infinite loop of “I don’t know, what do you want?” or do you say something like, “I am not fussed. What about cheapy asian or a curry?” Give them something that they can work with.
How are you making it easy?
For the people you work with, live with, spend time with?
For your prospects, customers, and suppliers?
Make it Easy. You won’t regret it.