Do What You Love and You Will Never Work a Day in Your Life – What an Absolute LIE!

Fabulous Aussie group The Hilltop Hoods just released a new single called “Show Business” and after being on high rotation at my place, it really got me thinking. (You can check out the song here)
No matter what you do are there are always bits of that you don’t enjoy and it becomes WORK for you. Even if, like me, you spend a lot of time working on some fabulous #events with amazing clients.
Some of the the bits you don’t like may be:
- Recruiting
- Staff management
- Finances
- Sales calls
- Strategies
- No downtime for SME business owners
- Travel
- Missing out on family
- Dealing with delegates
- Special Meal requirements
- Managing big egos
The list goes on.
The solution? It’s simple. Stop LYING to yourself.
There will always be something you don’t like about what you love doing. It will feel like work. And that is ok. Just don’t kid yourself it is all sunshine and rainbows!!
Enjoy the week and at the very least, check out Hilltop Hoods