From Reading the Roadmap to Recovery to Putting the Plan in Place

The population of Victoria and in New South Wales now has a Roadmap to Recovery.
To be honest, it is Ugly!
The cost in terms of human lives and impact on our health system is high. But to not do it the economic and mental health cost is also high. Putting this plan together must have been more of a Lose/Lose than a Win/Win. No matter what option you chose, the cost was high.
What it does give is some clarity. As families, communities, industries and as a country.
One of the things this pandemic has done is severed connections in a way I never thought possible. At then end of Melbourne second lockdown, a comment from David Milner in his article from The Shot, really summed it up. “I have never felt more Victorian or less Australian.” There will be people now who identify more to their Local Government Area than to their state.
These roadmaps give us a path back to whatever our new normal will be. For the events industry there has been a big sigh of relief that there is now a plan. Now all we have to do is follow up.
The one simple thing it all depends upon is vaccination rates.
- Heading back to the cafes with friend depends on us getting vaccinated.
- Going to concerts and plays depends on us getting vaccinated.
- Spending time with our professional association members depends on us getting vaccinated.
- Small business going back to earning money depends on us getting vaccinated.
- Being able to go shopping depends on us getting vaccinated.
- Christmas with family depends on us getting vaccinated.
The simple step for us to head down the road to recovery is for us to get vaccinated.
Those that have been vaccinated, thank you! For those who have only had one shot, you are almost there – thank you! For those of you considering it but not sure, please have a conversation with a medical practitioner to consider your options. For those who are unable to take it due to health issues, stay strong! We are nearly at 80% and that will bring you extra safety with increased herd immunity.
For those of you who refuse to be vaccinated, can I humbly suggest you have another conversation with a trusted medical practitioner or scientist from a relevant industry to get a better understanding on how it works, how safe it is (knowing it is not 100% but it is way safer than getting COVID) and why it is important to you and your community to reconsider getting vaccinated.
I long to become One Australia, One World again. Vaccinating everyone globally who is able to receive the vaccine is the quickest and best way to get there.