He Touched Me!

As some of your know I sing with Mood Swing – you can check out what we sound like on our facebook page (maybe become a fan?)  We were delighted to be part of the Get Vocal festival over the weekend.  As well as concerts, there were workshops for artists during the day.  A highlight for me was attending the workshop run by Tripod.  If you are not familiar with them check out one of my favourites of theirs on YouTube or their home page www.3pod.com.au

I had heard so many stories about meeting your hero’s and being disappointed.  While I may not rank them as “Hero’s” they are definitely people I admire and look up to.  As a speaker, trainer, coach, tradeshow guru, I am constantly trying to balance the entertainment, education, laughs and valuable resources mix.  I had a one on one chat with Scott (the one with glasses) who was very humble and gave me some great pointers.  He even touched me!!  Well…we shook hands.

It got me thinking, how do we really know how we positively affect people?  When we give to them, inspire them, lead them, love them, parent them, coach them, advise them, befriend them or even just talk with them?  You never know what impact you will have on those around you simply by sharing what you know and what you have.  There are people out there who are better off having been in contact with you.  They may even be thinking “(s)he touched me!”

Thanks for being such a cool you.  Keep it up.

Lovin’ your work.

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