How to Achieve Goals Ahead of Target

As many of you may know, I am participating in the One Foot Forward challenge during October to raise funds for Black Dog Institute that does research on Mental Health. As at the 3rd of October I was thrilled to reach my fundraising goal of $2,000. I still have to reach my walking goal of 50km but I have 9km logged so far so I am ahead of schedule on that too!
It feels fantastic to achieve a goal you have set. Yet often I have to put a big effort in last minute. Or I get excited at the beginning and then my interest wanes. So here are a few things I did this time to really make it happen.
Do It With A Team
I didn’t volunteer for this, my fellow singers in Ice Haloes convinced me to do it. We have been supporting each other, particularly during lockdown, to encourage what we are doing.
Start Early
We were signed up to do this late July/early September. Rather than wait for the month of October (when the walking happens) to start fundraising, I started ASAP. While the walking is good for me, I knew that the fundraising was what counted for Black Dog and the people who need help with their Mental Health.
Be Proud, Be Loud
I have seen others raising funds for events almost be embarrassed to be fundraising. While sometimes it can be uncomfortable asking for donations, I am crystal clear this is not about me and it is not about the donor. I am as happy for them to say No as I am when they say Yes. I don’t know what is going on for them financially and if they need the cash, please keep it. DO NOT DONATE if you will suffer.
Keep asking people. So many people want to help. Some people gave $5 and some gave hundreds. It is taking the action and proudly acknowledging the project you are working on that lets people know what is happening and how they can help.
Know Your Numbers
My inner accountant comes out when I do a project. I knew from the beginning that to reach my walking target, I need to walk an average of 1.6km per day in October. I also know that some days I won’t be able to walk or call for a time out. So I have started with the intent of doing more at the start so I hit my target early. (I am averaging 3km a day) If I end up walking more than 50km then that is a bonus.
The same for my fundraising. I originally set my target at $1,000 but with some early donations I knew I would beat it. So I lifted it to $2,000. With any thing you are doing, you must know the numbers or the relevant facts. That way you can track progress and change actions well before it becomes an issue.
Have Fun
Part of positioning my request for donations was asking people if they could help “Make me sweat!” Yes it is a bit personal, slightly “ewwww” but it is fun. People responded well and because I am, well, a “Nutritional Overachiever” many people thought this was a good idea.
So often we get caught up in serious issues, serious projects, serious lives that we forget to have fun. The fun is such an important part. We can still take is seriously but have fun doing it.
How can you use some of these ideas to help you achieve your goals?