How to Be A Super Hero in One Easy Step

One of the most quoted lines from Spiderman is Uncle Ben’s line, “With great power comes great responsibility.”
The reverse is also true. “With great responsibility comes great power.”
We are living in a time where this is incredibly obvious.
Under the pandemic, individuals need to look at how to take more responsibility for their actions and for the lives of those around us. Simple things like wearing masks, keeping distanced, getting vaccinated, staying home, checking when you do have to go out, working from home, and being able to take direction from health professionals and scientists. Add to this the responsibility to look after your own health, both physical AND mental.
With over half the Australian population locked down, this is not always an easy thing. But when you take this responsibility you are taking on the power of a super hero life saver.
As part of embracing this responsibility, I have had several conversations with vaccine hesitant people with the intent of asking better questions and referring them to their GP for further conversation. Asking better questions is great for ANY situation. Having a respectful conversation and focussing on the issue and not the person is always worthwhile. One of the case studies I talk about is the one where at a party of 30 people, 24 got COVID except for the 6 who had been vaccinated. Source.
What many don’t understand is that the ONLY way out of this Pandemic (let’s be real, it is now endemic where we just have to live with COVID on a global scale as we will no longer be able to get rid of it) is through the use of Vaccines. For those of us in a position to take them, taking the responsibility to protect those who can’t take it due to legitimate health issues give us the power of being life savers! How cool. We get to be our own super hero!
If you have ever wanted to be a Super Hero, now is the time! Save lives of those you love, know or randomly walk past all by doing one thing – Get Vaccinated! I know I have.
Be the Super Hero you were born to be!