One Foot Forward Is the Best Way To Start

I figure the very least I could do is walk 50km and raise a little money for them. If you feel so inclined to donate, click this link or on the image above to make it happen.
While the walking doesn’t officially start until October, Winston the Wonder Poodle has been at me to get going! So we have been doing a few regular walks around the neighbourhood and the big lake at the bottom of our street.
It is funny how much clarity going for a walk brings. At times when my brain is full, it is a great way to simply be present. I leave my phone at home, I listen to the world around me, I say hello to anyone we walk past, and just consider the world around me. Sometimes my brain starts to fill again, and I try and let it pass and get back to thinking about the walk and my buddy Winston.
What about you?
Do you get clarity when you go for a walk?
When you go for a walk, what is your routine?
One step at a time I will achieve my 50km. Like all the things in life we try to achieve, just putting one foot forward or simply starting with one small piece is the best way to start. The momentum can only grow from there.