Things Are Changing
Things Are Changing
The only constant is change.
We have read that, heard that and seen that so many times, yet still we get surprised by change. I was speaking to a large management team on Saturday about change (among other things) and they proudly told me that they all embrace change.
Upon further investigation, it turns out most of them ALWAYS sleep on the same side of the bed, have THEIR CHAIR at the dining table and in the lounge room and when they go to the monthly meeting they nearly always sit in the same spot. That doesn’t mean they are no good at change but it may mean that they struggle to embrace change more than they think.
What about you Friends? How are you with change?
By the way, as you can see from this email I have changed the way the weekly newsletter is sent. This should be a lot more efficient, timely and easier for me. For you there is very little change. You still get the fabulous thoughts every Monday (or Tuesday if I forget).
+61 408 592 158
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