Trade Show Basics

Another thing that is essential is booth presence.
You also need something when the customer comes over. Another booth had run out of brochures on the first day and so had none for the second day. Running our of brochures is a good thing. It means you had way more prospects than you expected, but to have nothing to give is not OK. Surely the guy could have found a place to photocopy the front cover of a brochure with his website on it. While it may not have been as sexy or attractive as a glossy it gives them some resource to work with. He spent most of the day just sitting in the chair waiting for people to come and talk to him. You could see people look his way, notice the brochure stands were empty and walk away.
What have you done to dress up your walls or to replace brochure stock when you ran out? How do you create a Both Presence? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Warwick Merry
The Get More Guy