Want More Sales?
Want More Sales?
There seems to be so many people out there spruiking the short cuts to more customers and more sales. Let me be honest with you, there is no short cut!
The best way to increase your sales and customer based is with focussed attention on the key methods that work and measuring your efforts and results in the process. The Centre for Exhibiting Industry Research found that Exhibiting and Event Sponsorship has one of the lowest costs per lead when compared to traditional marketing methods.
Now as you will know from previous posts, I am also a huge fan of Exhibiting and the results it brings but it is easy to get it very wrong!
The biggest mistake people make is that they have no idea why they are exhibiting. They may know in loose terms but they have no idea how to measure it. As the adage says, “What gets measured gets improved.” So when you next exhibiting, you MUST know your why and how you will measure it otherwise you are wasting your money.
My joint venture business The Exhibiting and Sponsorship Institute is just about to launch our new product, the Exhibit Like A Pro 12 Disc pack. We are launching it by running a 2 1/2 hr workshop on how to Exhibit Like A Pro on Tuesday 4th December. We are starting in Melbourne and next February we have a tour of Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. To find out more or to register, click here. I would love to see you there.