Why Being Easy To Deal With Has A Positive Impact on Your Bottom Line

When it came time to order, I asked, “Does your Coke come in a can or the smaller bottle?” I asked because I knew that one small bottle wouldn’t be enough for the thirst I brought with me!
“The small bottles,” she replied.
“Can I please have two small bottles of Coke No Sugar then.”
I thought that was clear. It didn’t seem outrageous. I just wanted two drinks with my meal.
She responded with, “Are you sure?” With a facial expression that seemed like I had just ordered a mug toxic waste with a side of horse poo.
“Yes please.” I responded.
After she walked away, my friend commented, “Well that is a winning strategy. When a customer wants to spend MORE money with you, challenge them!”
The whole transaction got me thinking about others who are simply not easy to do business with.
An event I hosted had an inhouse graphic designer. Part of my role was to create the slide deck. His role was to create the template. I had a couple of needs regarding the template to make the creation process easier. So I sent them a sample and thought I explained what I was after. What I got back was workable but added to my work load.
I reached out and tried to confirm a couple of details and the response was, “As per my previous email …” Those of us in the corporate world know that this is a polite way of saying “Oh for heaven’s sake, did you not read this the first time!” So I came up with a work around that made my job easier and meant I didn’t have to contact them again.
One of the secrets of my repeat business is simple this, Be Easy to Deal With. It doesn’t mean you give them everything they want but it does mean that you make the process easy, simple and with options.
Be focussed on THEIR outcome and goals not on yours. These repeat sales means a lot more reward for a lot less effort and has a significant positive impact on my bottom line.
Oh, and out of interest, I DID get my two Cokes and I enjoyed them both.