Are you interested in Exhibiting more successfully?
Would you like the secrets that make exhibiting EASY?
Do you want to significantly increase $ with a low cost per lead?
Then you have come to the right place!
Recently the Million Dollar Relationship with Customers Expert Danielle Storey and Trade Show Guru and Get More Guy Warwick Merry ran the Exhibit Like A Pro – 1 Day Intensive. This day
was recorded and has been made into a condensed DVD/CD product.
While the day ran for over eight hours we have edited out all the fluff and condensed it into the core information.
You get 7 DVDs as well as 4 CDs that cover the day. There is also a CD with a stack of checklists and templates. So you can watch Danielle and Warwick in action and see the examples they make of the two stands of their sponsors or you can listen in the car as you travel.

The Focus
The sole focus of this pack is to help you be a better exhibitor and sponsor. This is one of the cheapest ways to get new leads and new clients in your business. They will show you the secrets on how to Exhibit Like a Pro and how to better your current exhibiting approach. To help with the education process, we will have select exhibitors as their examples.
Their tables were up the front of the room next to the stage so you get practical examples of what to do and what not to do.
Why you HAVE to get this product:
Everyone came to the session looking for something different. They were astounded at the ground covered and its value for their business. So here are some of the key outcomes participants loved:
- Knowing what key business elements need attention to DOUBLE the business income
- Understanding of how to select the right show
- Know exactly what to say at the show to get the attention of their target market
- Have a process in following up leads after the show that maximises the return on your effort
- Being able to accurately measure the success of the show
- Know whether the exhibiting or sponsorship deal was worthwhile and whether it should be done again next year
- Knowing how to get more of their target market to their expo stand
- Know what will be best for their business model – sponsoring or exhibiting
- Know how to attract sponsors for events they are running
- Have concrete methods to get suppliers to contribute if not fund the sponsorship/exhibit entirely
- Understand what the best position is at the show and how to get it
- Have a detailed understanding of the 15 key areas for success when Exhibiting and Sponsoring.
You Get
When you order the Exhibit Like A Pro Pack, you get:
- 7 DVDs that cover the core learnings from the day in easy to digest chunks
- 4 CD’s of the audio so you can listen to the content as you travel
- 1 CD with usable templates, spreadsheets and workbooks on exhibiting
- A 90 Day eCourse to ensure you take action on your learning from the event
- Comprehensive checklists on what to do before, during and after exhibiting
- A CD and Special report showing how Exhibiting and Sponsorship can double your sales
- The recording of the followup webinar for some additional tips and review of the day
- Five additional recordings on Engagement, Measuring Success, Attitude, Sponsorship and Measuring Return when exhibiting
- FREE Delivery
This Pack is worth $2,795 but you wont pay that much!
The Guarantee
This pack contains some of the best information available on Sponsoring and Exhibiting. We are so confident and committed to your success that we guarantee it.
In fact, we will give you a 200%, Money Back Guarantee on it!
If you apply the principles and techniques in this pack, we will guarantee that you will make enough additional sales to cover the cost of this product within 12 months. If you follow our guidance and can show that you have, and still don’t get enough additional sales to cover the cost of the product, simply contact us and we will arrange a refund of your purchase price (the first 100%) and then you can keep the product (the second 100%).
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