How To Become Your Own Robin Hood 🏹

I don’t mean start stealing from the rich! Robin Hood did something way more powerful than that.

I recently spent two weeks touring the UK. So how could I not visit Sherwood Forrest.

The visit had me thinking about Robin Hood. While redistributing the wealth was a great deed, his most powerful act was spreading the message that people did not have to live under a tyrant. Spreading his ideas, thoughts and helping others create a dream that was worth living for, gave something far more valuable than money.

While Robin Hood may be a fictional character [spoiler alert], you aren’t.

Do you have a message you need to spread?
How can you authentically and genuinely share your message to others?

For some it will be a simple conversation, coaching a team mate or sharing information. Others will want to take it further and share it from the stage.

If you are in Melbourne on Thursday 23rd, join me for a one day intensive on how to Get More Speaker Success.

Discover more info here