Did Our Election Make You Angry?

So we’ve just had our election and I have to tell you the results have not made everyone happy. 

Some people are quite furious about it and there’s a lot of people going “why?” 

Was it the Queenslanders? 
Was it the independents? 
Was a dodgy voting tactics? 

At the end of the day the answer is, “It doesn’t matter.” 

The whys don’t really matter. The question that’s most important is, “What are going to do now?” 

If you’re a person who’s committed to the environment, how can you still make a stand? 
How can you influence your local Member of Parliament regardless of what party that they’re part of? 
If there’s a cause that you passionately believe in, how can you put your energy in a positive direction rather than blaming somebody else. 

I would hate for us to go down the path of many other countries where there is such animosity between people who vote for different parties that they become violent and closed to hearing alternate perspectives. 

At the end of the day, people made the choice that suits their circumstance on the information that they understood. 
So maybe some of the parties could have been clearer in what they actually stood for. Maybe they could have used, some would say less dodgy, voting tactics. But it doesn’t matter. 

What matters is what can you do now. 

What positive steps can you take today, and every other day, to create the kind of world, the kind of country, the kind of future that you want there to be. 

Hope you voted well.