Exile for the Good of the Realm

We live in interesting times.
For all my gregariousness and enthusiasm, I am conservative by nature. Not one for fads but open to scientific method, new ideas, and decisions made on facts.
In the last few weeks, most of my conference bookings have been cancelled, postponed or deferred to an online event (where I tend to excel!) And the more I read about COVID-19, the more seriously I take the recommendations from the health experts.
My focus is to stay alert but not alarmed. Not to panic but to be prepared.
Here is an excellent piece by one of Australia’s most eminent doctors, Doctor Norman Swan, broadcast the ABC. It is only 8 minutes and I recommend you watch it.
So my gorgeous wife and I have made the decision to send ourselves into exile, for the good of the realm. Some call it social distancing, but going into exile sounds more exotic.
It means we are cancelling a lot of our social engagements, minimising our contact with others and doing what we can to keep everyone safe.
One of the pieces I saw said to not approach our situation to prevent ourselves from catching this virus, but to assume we already have it and to act so that we don’t spread it to others.
There have been so many great stories of people and communities supporting each other and working together to get through a messy time in our lives. Let’s be part of that. Let’s focus on the WE and not the ME.
Just know, I am here for you. If you are also going into exile and get lonely, give me a call. Let’s chat. Let’s sing songs. Let’s have group calls with others. Let’s share ideas on cleaning our bums without toilet paper (oh so many ideas on that one!)
There is so much we can do. So let’s do it together.
See you in Exile!