Secrets of Delivering Fabulous and Effective Online Presentations

Are you looking for the secret of Webex sessions?
How about how to deliver fantastic Goto Webinar courses?
Why not the tips and tricks of Zoom sessions?
The fantastic news is it is not about the technology. In fact is has NEVER been about the technology. Let’s face it, there are a stack of technologies available and I am sure there are plenty more in the pipeline.
In fact, here are some of the technologies currently available:
- Goto Meeting
- Goto Webinar
- CyberLink U Meeting
- Zoom Meeting
- Zoom Webinar
- Bluejeans
- Google Hangouts Meet
- Google Hangouts
- Lifesize
- Skype
- FreeConference
- Cisco Webex Meeting
- Facetime
There is no way you will be able to master all of these. The rate of change of this technology is vast. New features are included all the time. And the good news is, you don’t have to.
The great news is that it is not about the technology.
It is not even about you!
It is AAAALLLLLL about the audience.
So keep them busy. Keep them engaged. Keep them on the edge of their seats. Here are some ways to deliver fabulous and effective presentations:
Lots of slides: My average is one per second – (a slide with 4 points becomes 4 slides)
Make it interactive: polls, questions, responses in the chat, favourite coffee, biggest problems – fun questions.
Make it fun: Even if you are presenting academic delight – find a way to make it fun
Give more energy: one of the biggest things is you don’t have the audience of the crowd to energise the room. It is all you. So use voice tone variations, pacing differences and even movement. I will lean into the camera and whisper!
Ask better questions: Make the audience actual think and reflect. Token questions just don’t cut it.
Just a few ideas to help you perform better online.
If you need any further help, get in touch and we can make your next online session stand out!