Happy Valentines Day (Or Week!)

What We Need is Love!
While I am one of the first to proclaim St Valentines Day as a Hallmark holiday and only there for retail stimulus, this year is a little different.
In this whacky, weird and wonderful world we live, times are … challenging. Many people, companies, governments are telling us what we can and can’t do. Many people have lives, business, families and friends at risk.
I think a little more love right now would be a good thing.
What Does Love Look Like?
Love comes in many shapes and forms. The video above (click on the image to watch it) is from a 2010 campaign for Puma. If I saw that motley crew at a pub, I would be a little bit nervous (yes that it judgemental of me!) But to hear them sing a delicate love song with harmonies is a treat.
Winston the Wonder Poodle loves his cushion (like reeeeeally loves his cushion) and nothing we can do will stop the kind of love he has!
History is littered with stories of love – some fact and some fiction.
But it is important to know that love is a verb. It is what you DO not what you SAY that shows how much you love someone. Tough love can be what you refuse to do also.
In Victoria, we are showing our love for others by staying home under lockdown. One of my acts of love is to make my gorgeous wife a cup of coffee each morning. A bit of tough love was brushing Winston’s ears last night (he didn’t enjoy it but matted ears are not a good look. Poodles should not have dread locks!)
So for this Valentines Week, how will you show your love?