Hope Is Not Enough. Success Needs Action.

It’s been a hell of a week.
A good friend has lost one of his best friends (who simply didn’t wake up), and then one of his daughters friends committed suicide. Someone close to me went into hospital for a few days and still needs more tests. Another freind got retrenched after working at a job and company he loves for 10 years due to a “restructure.” It seems like half of Australia is on fire and as a consequence, Koalas are in more danger of dying out. We are heading into Summer and most of Australia needs rain.
Don’t even get me started on politics. No matter where you are in the world, it seems like either the wrong people are in power or that their focus is not on the people or issues that need it.
In my conversations with people, there is a lot of talk about Hope. Hope is something powerful. It is something that keeps you sane because you can look towards better days, better circumstance, a better life.
But Hope is not enough. Success need Action.
Now I don’t mean financial success or material success (even though this is still true). What I mean is, however you define success. In terms of the country you want, the environment you want, the future you want, or more importantly, the NOW that you want.
What can you do? Is it:
- Educate you kids, friends, family?
- Use less plastic
- Give more hugs
- Plant more trees
- Speak positively about others
- Use a journal to deal with your feelings and concerns
- Get a coach or a counsellor
- Bake a meal for a friend
- Invite a friend over for Netflix and Chill (however you interpret it)
- Pick up a hobby
- Write a letter to a politician
- Be a tourist in your own town
- Vote for the interest of the Future not for yourself
Whatever your concerns, whatever you HOPE, what can you do?
Thoughts and Prayers are nice but they are more to make you feel good than they are to solve a problem.
What tangible action can you take that will bring your hope to life?