How Can You Have A Virtual Sticky Note Board?

How do you brainstorm with digital sticky notes?
How can everyone access the sticky notes?
Can you move them, comment on them and do it all – for free?

Everyone loves brainstorming with sticky notes or Post-It Notes ® but when we go online, how can we do it virtually?

This is a question loads of people have asked me. And there are some fantastic apps and programs that can help you do it.

I don’t know about you, but I am tired of paying $20 a month for this, $15 a month for that or $400 for an annual license. Surely there has to be a better, cheaper way for something you may not use a lot?

Well there is. It is called Google Jamboard and Laurie Brown showed it to me so I want to show it to you and show you how easy, effortless and FREE it is.

I got so excited that I recorded a video on how to use it when I was all bearded and horribly unprofessional, but in a COVID19 age, that boundary is shifting.

It is only 7 minutes, but I think it will shift your perspective on using sticky notes online.
