How’s Life?


Socrates famously said at his trial for corrupting youth, that an “Unexamined life is not worth living.”

While “not worth living” is a little harsh, it is evident that there is great value in examining life to squeeze extra value out of the lessons learned or to reflect on situations to consider if there was a lesson there at all.

Consequently, I have created what I call a Regular Results Review. It is a simple one page document you can quickly use to assess the year, what you did well, what you would do differently, what opportunities you have coming for the year ahead and a few other things as well. It is a great way to consider the year that has just passed and how you can get the most out of the year ahead.

To get your copy of the Regular Results Review, simply click this link and it will open for you.

Thank you so much for your support this year. The feedback I get on my writing and content is great and inspires me to create more.

I hope you have a fantastic festive season and that next year brings you great things.