Is It A Gift Worth Giving?

One of my speaker buddies gave my a gift yesterday. Yes that’s right. It is BaconJam!!
Made right here in Melbourne at the Salami Shack. It’s made of 90% bacon. No bacon flavouring here!!
Now my buddy knows my passion for bacon. So as a token of thanks for some event work we are doing together, when he saw this, he bought one for me.
What a gift! It is not too big so I don’t feel indebted. It is something he knows I love, so I feel heard and considered. And it is something out of the ordinary, so I feel surprised and delighted.
Contrast this to when I often receive a speaker gift of a bottle of wine. While I am grateful for the gift, I don’t drink – so it is a little bit wasted. It is also very common, as in the previous speaker also got one, so I don’t feel that special, and if I have travelled interstate, I now have the added issue of trying to get it home without it breaking.
When you are giving gifts to your speakers, or associates, is it a gift worth giving?
A few subtle questions to the recipient and a stalk on their social media may help you give a gift worth giving.