Is It Safe to Face the New Year Yet?

It is my first working week of the year – well…. I am easing into the year so it is a half steam kind of week.
I am not sure about you, but after years of setting goals, forgetting about them, not achieving them and then changing course, I have given up on them.
But I love the concept of having a theme for the year. 2020 was “More Love” – phew, it was needed!!
For 2021 my theme is “More Joy”. For me, for my gorgeous wife and fabulous puppy, for my friends, for my clients, for random strangers. It will be the driver for the year.
I have also been working with the legendary Russell Pearson (I can’t recommend “The Forge” highly enough) to develop some concrete business plans for the year. As you would expect they are focussed on Online Events and Services.
2021 will have challenges in it (I know of a couple of big ones that will happen at an unknown time during the year), it will have Joy in it, and it will have loads of laughs in it.
So regardless of what you do this year, if you need help, reach out.
Want some Joy? I got plenty to share.
Want to talk about online events and processes? I am your guy.
Need a talk full of waffle to escape the day? Get in touch, because I can waffle with the best of them.
Whatever this year holds, I will face it with a smile and I will face it with the comfort of my friends who I know have my back and are cheering me on.
I hope you know I am cheering you on too!!Here’s to a cracking 2021, no matter what happens!!
Photo by Marco Sebastian Mueller from Pexels