Is your Perspective Robbing You of Pleasure?

Have you achieved some amazing things in your life? Things that made your family, friends, colleagues and clients go “WOW”.
When you achieve these things and the people in your life say how cool it is, do you go, “Yeah but it’s only….” or “Nah but it is not as good as … ” or “Yeah, but anyone could have …”?
You may find that your perspective is robbing you of some pleasure and acknowledgement of success.
We often get hung up on the detail and the micro perspective of a situation or actions. We focus on what we did wrong and not on the progress or the impact of what we have done.
That is why I love this lookout tower at Mitchelton Winery. It must be so easy to get stuck looking at label designs, menus for the restaurant, the chemistry of the wine making, the details of the grape harvest and so on.
But from the top of this look out you can see the hundreds of acres of grape fines, the motel wing, the rivers edge chapel area, the art gallery, the full car park and the large number of very happy customers.
Don’t rob yourself of the pleasure of your hard work and skill. Make sure you look at the full perspective of what you have done and when someone gives you a compliment, say “Thank you”.