It’s Because of You
I received the news yesterday that I have been awarded the global certification of Certified Speaking Professional (CSP).
According to the National Speakers Association of Australia’s current records, there are less than 70 CSPs in Australia at this time.
This has taken years to achieve and there were many obstacles along the way. I could not have done this without your support and encouragement.
The feedback I get following one of my keynotes, events that I host, mentoring sessions or even just my newsletter, give me great joy knowing that I have contributed to people like you.
Naturally, I could not achieve this without the endless and unconditional support of my gorgeous wife, but I am very aware of the essential part YOU have played in this achievement.
From the depths of my being, THANK YOU.
I look forward to continuing to be of service to you and all of my clients.
Warm regards
Warwick Merry CSP