Have You Got Your Fat Bob?

Have You Got Your Fat Bob?

Before you get too excited, let me tell you that a Fat Bob is a type of Harley Davidson Motorcycle.  This is what one looks like:

Maybe your desire is not for a Fat Bob, maybe it’s a BMW or a piece of jewellery or an overseas holiday.  How are you going with your dream?

A client and friend of mine, Paul has always wanted a Brand New Harley.  The picture you see is of him on his brand new bike. But the story is not as simple as: Set Goal, Worked Hard, and Got Goal.

Paul wanted a brand new Harley but along the way settled for second hand ones. In fact, he had 23 of them before he got his Brand New Fat Bob!

But still, it’s not that simple.  Earlier this year, on his way to work, a Kangaroo decided to try and knock him off his bike.  This resulted in major leg and back damage, several operations and coming up with an ingenious way to store crutches on the bike as he rode!!

And still, it is not that simple.  When I asked him if I could use this photo for the Get More Goer he said, “Mate, my journey is far from over. At least 2, probably 4 operations are scheduled for 2011 with a whole lot of recovery work”

THAT is what this is about.  Realising that the journey is not over until they lay you in the coffin.  There will always be hiccups and barriers along the way. There will always be more to do.  There will always be reasons to give up. Keep the focus on what you desire and keep working towards it, one step at a time.  Get the support you need and live life enjoying today.  Who knows what tomorrow brings!

For some, tomorrow brings a Fat Bob.  What will your tomorrow bring?



PS A huge thanks to those of you who took up the Agents of Action special offer for the first 70 orders.  I have been able to get some more bonuses from the other authors which means that you get over $1,000 worth of value when you pay $29.95 for the book.  The details are on the order page.  Please let those in your network know about it.

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Thank You Agent Of Action

You are an Agent of Action!

Thank you for taking action!

Your order has been received and a receipt will be sent to you shortly.

I expect the book to be delivered from the publisher early January at the latest. Once I receive it, I will send your copy plus all your bonuses post haste.

Some of the bonuses will be scheduled for later Jan and early Feb.  This will give you a chance to read the book and not feel overwhelmed by a stack of resources hitting you all at once!

If you have any questions regarding your Agents of Action Pack, please don’t hesitate to call me on +61 408 592 158 or email warwick@warwickmerry.com

Warm regards
WGM Sign 
PS If I get any further bonus items from the other authors I will pass them directly on to you!

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Are You Ready?

Are you ready for 2011?  It is only a month away.  
The reality is that you don’t have to do much to get ready for it.  If you just wait, it will sneak up on you.


If you want to Get More from 2011 there are a couple of things you can do:

  • Set aside a day for reflection.  This will include both personal and business reflection
  • Have a structure for the day. Something simple like, in the morning personal, the afternoon business. For both sessions look back on the year and acknowledge what you did well, then look forward at your plans and goals for the year
  • Make sure you include in this day time to establish what annual leave or holidays you will have
  • Create a high level action and reward plan for the year. You MUST celebrate your success. 

To help with this, here are a couple of valuable resources:

  • The Get More Grid – use this to create a standard weekly routine   
  • Regular Results Review – use this to help with your day of reflection      
  • The Get More Guide – This is my profile document. Use it if you are planning a motivational session for your team or looking for a mentor. 

There is also a new book I have contributed to coming out soon to help you take massive action, but more about that later.


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Want to Get More Sales?

Last week I was interviewed by Annemarie Cross on her Career Success Radio program.  We talked about many things for just under an hour.  In particular, we were talking about sales and how to increase them.

I thought that it is the kind of thing many people would be interested in.  If you are interested visit Annemarie’s Blog and have a listen.

If you like what you hear and are interested in finding out how to Double Your Return when exhibiting at your next Trade Show or Expo, then visit www.DoubleYourReturn.com to get your free copy of  the Double Your Return CD and special report on how you can Double Your Return when you next exhibit.


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How are the Trains?

I received an email from a friend of mine regarding one of the key policies of the impending state election here in Victoria.  It is worth reading in its entirety.  I hope you enjoy the clip also!

Hello good citizens

With the state election looming, the following titbit from my urban flashmob melbourne choir men in suits may be both amusing and newsworthy:

This is us preparing for our future possible role as the new, more compassionate face of metro: a platform announcements choir that is genuinely, genuinely sorry that the trains are late.

If you happen to have websites, political forums, or groups that you can post this to, please do so with murderous alacrity and glee.
we’d love for this to get seen.

stephen taberner

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Are They Eating Out of Your Hand?

As I write this I am enjoying the last day of a four day get away at Wye River. It is a stunning location where mountains meet the sea. The glorious gum trees are filled with bird life. We have seen cockatoos,

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rosellas, willy wagtails (not sure of their real name but this is what I call them), currawongs and king parrots.

I decided I wanted to get up close and as you can see I finally had them eating out of my hand. You can use the same process to get your customers eating out of your hand.

Parrot Eating
  1. Go where your customer is – I went on to balcony when the birds were there
  2. Give them what they want – I had broken bits of biscuit that I knew they liked
  3. Make it easy for them – I put some crumbs on the railing and then held my open handful of crumbs next to it
  4. Support them and make them comfortable – I held my hand steady and gave them more crumbs as they stood on my hand
  5. Show gratitude – As they fed I was saying thank you for visiting us
  6. Celebrate your success – The rest of us staying at the house came out to say hello to the king parrots

What about you? Do you have your customers eating out of your hands? Use this process and you soon can!


PS Do you Exhibit at Tradeshows, Expo’s or Conferences? Want to have your visitors eating out of your hand? Register for the complimentary webinar 5 Steps to Double Your Return.

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Have You Told Anyone?

I caught up with a friend last night and he told me a strange story.

My friend (let’s call him Simon, because that is his name) works for a multi-national with an Asia Pacific Regional Office in Singapore.  His direct boss is based in this office.  Now Simon doesn’t see his boss much but it is an IT company so they stay in touch with emails and video conferencing and the like.

Last week he was at an internal meeting with another colleague from Singapore. Simon just participated as usual and they were able to come up with a resolution to a particular issue.  His colleague went back to Singapore and Simon thought nothing of it.

The next day, Simon received a text from his boss saying something along the lines of, “I have just heard about the great job you guys did. Thank you for your contribution. I understand it made a difference and I wanted to let you know I appreciate it”.


It had a significant impact on Simon. It confirmed for him that he has a great boss, works at a great company and he is truly valued. Before you start thinking “My boss never says anything like that”, put the shoe on the other foot.  Who have you said something like that too?  Have you told anyone that you appreciate their work lately?

Research has show than genuine compliments have a more positive impact than a pay rise. So who needs one? Your boss, your team members, your cleaner, your security guard, the receptionist, the person in the cafe, your partner, your kids, your friends or your family?  I am sure there is someone.

So have you told anyone lately?


PS Do you Exhibit at Tradeshows, Expo’s or Conferences?  Do you want to Double Your Return when you next Exhibit? Register for the complimentary webinar 5 Steps to Double Your Return

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Have You Got The Right Gear?

I spent 6 hours yesterday with a Dingo.  I don’t mean the protected native dog of Australia, I mean one of these.


You see, wifey and I are a typical couple in the suburbs.  Some weekends we like to dig in the garden and some weekends we like to knock down the side wall, dig out 6 cubic metres of earth, create a massive new veggie garden and then replace the earth with road base so we can park one of our many vehicles up the side of the garage, then we like to spread the 9 cubic metres of topsoil on the new lawn area where the old pine trees got cut down.

Now I don’t know about you, but shifting a total of 21 cubic metres of earth by hand is a huge effort.  Let alone digging out that dirt at the side of the shed that was full of tree roots.  So I decided to make it easier for myself and get the right gear.  So I spent 6 hours with a Dingo.  It made the job a whole lot easier and quicker.  It was a whole lot of fun too!

I have found time and time again that having the right gear makes a massive difference.  Accounting software does a better job than a spreadsheet, waterproof ski gear is better than jeans, sunglasses are better than squinting… you see the theme.

Have you got the right gear?

If there is something you need to do at work or at home, get the right gear.  It makes the job easier, quicker and more rewarding.


PS Do you Exhibit at Tradeshows, Expo’s or Conferences?  Then get the Right Gear to help you Double Your Return. Register for the complimentary webinar 5 Steps to Double Your Return

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What about Me?

Something funny happened on the weekend.

As usual, Wifey and I use shampoo.  Recently we bought some new shampoo and started using it. A couple of days later, Wifey asked, “What do you think of the new shampoo?”

Personally, I don’t use a great deal of shampoo.  It probably has something to do with the fact that I am balding (but I am still in denial about it).  So I mentioned this to Wifey and also that I was not that fussed about.

Her response, “I meant what do you think about the new shampoo in my hair!”


I should have realised that.  She does have resplendent hair that cascades halfway down her back (mine is just back hair).  But I was too focussed on myself.  I wasn’t considering the intent of her comment.  Based on the number of conversations we have never had about my hair versus the ones we have had about hers, I should have known it was not about me.

What about you?

When you communicate, are you more concerned about yourself or those you are communicating with?  

Do you listen to what the other person is saying and trying to say or is your focus on what you want to say?
Is your focus on the conversation or on reaching the mutual sought outcome?

I’d type more, but I need to go and attend to my hair!

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Are You Harry?


As a self confessed geek, I am looking forward to the final two Harry Potter films. I have read the books so I know what is going to happen and I am still looking forward to them! The people who are least looking forward to them would be the three actors in the lead roles: Danielle Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and the girl who plays Hermoine.

The reason they would not be looking forward to the end of the Harry Potter films is not the end of the money. According to trash magazines they will have earned enough cash from the films to last them a couple of lifetimes. It is not the end of the fame because they will always be Harry, Ron and Hermione (in fact, like me, many may remember their character name but not their real one). The reason they are not looking forward to it is that it is likely to be the end of their acting career.

They will always be Harry, Ron and Hermione. Even in a different film, people will say “It’s got Harry Potter in it”. Even though Danielle and Rupert have done some other work to try and increase their reputation, they will struggle to get past their larger than life characters. Many movie projects will not want that

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So are you Harry?

Have you done what you do for so long that it is the only thing people (including your boss) know you for? Does the baggage of “oh they are the one who does….” follow you around? Or have you tried on a few other roles? Have you expanded your skill set to learn new and relevant skills? Have you volunteered for different projects within the business so show you can do other things? Have you done interesting things outside of the workplace to build a rounded character? Have you shown yourself you can do many amazing things?

Don’t just be Harry. Be as many people or roles as you can.


PS Thanks to those who dropped by the Meeting Mart stand in Melbourne this week. I trust you will enjoy the Get More Goer.

Image: www.harrypotterspage.com

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Who Are You Talking To?

I have just finished three days on the floor of an expo for a client.  I continue to be amazed at behaviour of exhibitors. 
Let me back track.  It’s easy to be an ORDINARY exhibitor.  All you need is cash and a product or service to sell and you can exhibit.  To be aGOOD exhibitor, you just have to do the basics right.  With a little extra effort and focus, you can be an EXCELLENT exhibitor.

At this stage, I just want to focus on being a GOOD exhibitor.  It is just about the basics.  The important thing is, who are you talking to?  So many exhibitors at the recent show were not talking to anyone.  Some were standing there with their arms crossed, some were sitting (I still can’t believe people do that) and some were just waiting for others to talk to them.  Some even seem shy and unable to approach the visitors.

My theory is that if you are not talking to anyone, you talk to everyone.  

Nothing attracts attention like attention.  If you are not talking to anyone it makes you less approachable.  By speaking to someone, it is less intimidating for others to come and join in the conversation or look at your wares.  Talking to people also allows you to qualify them.  If they are not interested, politely move them on and if they are interested take them to the next level.

It you are not talking to anyone, talk to everyone.

Who are you talking to?

PS If you want to see how I exhibit, drop into see me at booth 48 at Meetings Mart.  It’s free, on tomorrow at Crown Promenade in Melbourne and I promise I will talk to you!

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7 Secrets of Successful Sessions

Welcome to the 7 Secrets Page.


Thanks for listening to the CD. I trust you will now use these secrets to make your next event fabulous!

As an added bonus, I have put some relevant downloads here for you. In particular the instructions on

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How to Prepare and Deliver a GREAT Introduction will make a difference at your next event. I would also draw your attention the the Get More Guide as a profile of my services for you and your organisation.

Enjoy these resources and if I can help you or your organisation, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Warm regards


Warwick Merry


Your free Downloads:

The Get More Guide – Service Delivery Profile

How to Prepare and Deliver a GREAT Introduction

Regular Results Review

It has been said that most people spend more time planning their holiday than they do planning the rest of their life. For this reason, I have created the Regular Results Review. It is a simple, yet effective high level tool, to look back at your achievements and plan the coming ones. I recommend that you use this at least annually. Many clients like to use it around New Years day to set them in good stead for the year ahead.





Here are some relevant testimonials from my clients. See what they have to say.



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How Sticky Are You?

I don’t mean that in the brown and wooden stick kind of way, I mean do you stick to it?  Do you commit to a strategy and give it every chance to succeed? Or at the first (or maybe second) sign that it is struggling do you stop working on it?

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes we try things and they don’t work.  It makes sense to change the strategy or approach but too often people don’t give it enough of a change.  Imagine if we did that in all aspects of life.

Maybe your parents were trying to get you to walk and after three times you kept falling over so much that they said, “They will never walk, it’s crawling for them!”  Think of how much that would hold you back!  My friend’s mother (now in her 90’s) had a mild accident on her fourth driving lesson when she was 20 and then decided she couldn’t drive and never did again. I still struggle with that.

So what is your strategy and as part of it, when are the check points and how will you know when to change strategy?  This is particularly relevant when exhibiting at shows.  In a previous business, my partner and I decided that we should exhibit our $900 product in the exhibitions at the International Coaching Federation (ICF) conferences globally.  We knew that the first one would not cover costs.  Two airfares, accommodation let alone exhibiting costs were significant.

A couple of shows with no sales was tough but we stuck to the strategy.  After three years (nine shows) it started to pay off financially, but the payoff in reputation and awareness happened far sooner and was more strategic.  My partner went on to be Australasian President of the ICF as developing a significant database of prospects for future work for us.

So what is your strategy?  Where is the payoff? How will you measure your success or lack thereof?  Most importantly, how sticky are you?


PS If you are in Melbourne next Tuesday 26th, come and visit me at the Meetings Mart Expo at Crown Promenade. I will be giving away copies of my new CD 7 Secrets of Successful Sessions as well as creating solutions for business wanting to Get More from their next Conference or Training Session.  Come as a guest of the Get More Guy and you even get free parking!

Image: Oaklara Nutgrabber

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Do You Feel Special?

More importantly than do you feel special, do you make your customers, your prospects or your team feel special?
The research has shown what many of us knew instinctively. Customer loyalty and purchase decisions are more based on how your customer/prospects feel than a logical decision. So do you make them feel special?  Look at any exhibitor, leader, company or sales person who you think is “Extraordinary”.  The reality is that they are not extraordinary, they are simply ordinary people doing extraordinary things.  They do a little bit more than your average person or company does and this makes them stand out.

For example, wifey and I went to dinner last night with friends to Borsh, Vodka and Tears.  Knowing it is popular I made sure that I had booked for 4 at 7:30pm.  So far all was proceeding as usual.  I got the phone call from them earlier in the day to confirm my booking (as has become standard with many restaurants now) and wifey and I headed in at the designated time.  Most places will just have “reserved” on the table, typically with a credit card logo as they will sponsor the sign and pay for them, but not here.  I was quite excited to find that their reservation system was…..My Name!!  Check it out. 
Reservation Card

Now they didn’t spell it correctly, but I didn’t care because it was close enough.  To help them manage all of their bookings, it was also systemised.  Noticed the table number, the number of people and time of the booking is also on the card.  While I know it is only a little thing, it made me feel special.  Not just “another booking” but “Warwick’s” booking.

In what you do, do you make your customers and colleagues feel special?  Do you just do that little bit extra to make it extraordinary?  You could be an exhibitor, a sales person or simply part of a larger organisation.  What will you do TODAY to make those around you feel special?

PS I got plenty of feedback from last week’s Get More Goer.  For those of you who really wanted to know, yes Mum did lick the spoon.
Also, demand for the Frangelico and Brownies recipe was high.  For those of you who missed it, you can download it here.

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What Were You Thinking?

A strange thing happened to me on Thursday.  
Mum was down from Queensland visiting and she was spending the last couple of days with me.  As well as going for a spin in Candy (The V8 Mustang that is wifey’s car), we chatted and did a few things. On Thursday I made my famous Frangelico and Walnut brownies (let me know if you want the recipe).  This is when the strange thing happened.  Just after I poured the mix into the bowl, I turned to Mum and asked “Do you want to lick the spoon?”
It was like one of those science fiction movies. All of a sudden I was swept back to when I was a kid and mum would ask me, “Do you want to lick the spoon?”  It was so not how the situation was “supposed” to be.  But the more I thought about it, the more I realised that it is EXACTLY how life is supposed to be.
Each generation matures to take over the role of the previous one.  It happens all around us.  So why do we fight it?  
It is because of what we are thinking.  We hold ourselves back with old ways of thinking.  We have ideas of what our parents should do, our boss should do, our colleagues should do, what we can’t do, what subordinates shouldn’t do… the ideas and rules of what we can and can’t do continue on!!!

Change your thinking!!
By the power vested in me by your subscription to the Get More Goer, I hereby give you permission to break your own rules!!
You can parent your parents, you can boss your boss, you can lead your leaders, and you can do all the things you tell yourself you can’t.  It is OK to say No to your boss.  You can submit your ideas to the discussion even if you are a junior and haven’t been there long.
Change your thinking and you will change your life.
Go get ’em!
PS  If you need help to change your thinking about Face to Face Sales, then why not come to a session I am running as part of the Discover Casey-Cardina Expo this Saturday 9th October?  It won’t cost you a cent and you will take home great tips, tools and techniques to Get More Face to Face Sales.  See you there!
Photo: Barbara Cannnela 

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