Get More From 2010

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What are you doing for 2010?

2010 is just around the corner. You know it will be here quicker than you expect (look how quick Christmas crept up on us!). So what are you doing for it?

From a Trade Show or Expo sense, what are you doing for 2010? Exhibiting is a magnificent way to build and grow your business, but as I have always said, you will hemorrhage cash if you don’t do it right! So take some time over the coming weeks to decide:

The questions are simple but the answers will help you define 2010 and the success you will achieve.

I think 2010 will be an absolute cracker and I would love for yours to be also. Let me know if I can assist you getting there.


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Play with the Dog!

Wifey and I had a delightful extravagant meal of fish and chips on the beach during the week. I am sure you don’t care but I saw something that made me think.

A young woman took her dog to the beach for a walk and a play. As she got to the beach I noticed she was on the mobile.
The dog was running back and forth, sooooo excited to be at the beach, but she was on the mobile.
Running into the waves, the dog splashed and then ran back to its owner to share the excitement, but she was on the mobile.
She gave a token toss of a ball and

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the dog was off like a rocket, chasing and enjoying the evening to bring the ball (it’s own little gift of love) back to the woman, but she was on the mobile.

Has that ever happened to you? Have you ever been like the dog? Maybe you were speaking to your manager or boss and they were on the phone or simply distracted and not listening. Maybe you were recounting your day to your loved one and they were not listening but simply waiting to tell you about theirs.

It doesn’t feel good does it?

Have you ever been like the woman, that is been physically there but not actually present? Maybe your kids were playing but you were just instructing rather than down on the floor on your hands and knees playing FULL ON! Maybe your team were telling you about some of their issues and you listened in a token manner but didn’t hear what was truly happening for them. Maybe your partner wanted to engage with you on a fun activity and you were just playing on the surface.

How do you think your kids, your team and your partner felt?

How much better would the dog have felt if the young woman left the phone at home and played FULL ON with the dog? Was really present for the dog? Also, how much better would the woman have felt if she truly connected with the dog and played FULL ON?

If you are going to do something (whether you want to do it or not), I believe you should do it FULL ON. Not just because it is better for others but also because you will enjoy it more and Get More out of it.

Next time, play with the Dog!


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What would Spiderman do?

I was speaking to a group last week about Spiderman. Yes, I know – it is not very “businessy” but it is very relevant.

Spiderman’s uncle told him that “With great power comes great responsibility”.

I believe that the opposite also holds true. That is, “With great responsibility comes great power”.

Too often I see people dodging responsibility in an organisation. These same people are also complaining that “they can’t change anything”. I implore you to take responsibility, it really isn’t that bad. Once you take responsibility for a change you wish to see or a situation you wish to change, you will find that you have power over that situation. You also have power over your own attitude about that situation.

Where do you need to take responsibility?

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Engage or Exit!

So many visitors to a Trade Show or Expo have on their mind “Engage or Exit”.

It’s not a conscious thought, but they know if you don’t pay them attention or at the very least acknowledge their presence, they are out of there. How do you do that? It’s easy when there are only one or two people per staff member in your booth, but what about peak hour? You MUST have a strategy to deal with the busy times. Even if you have one of your team nominated as the “Preview Person”.

The Preview Person will quickly move among the people, get their contact details and

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what they are interested in. They do not have to be as knowledgable as your key staff members but they can quickly engage, comment on how busy it is and get someone to get back to them. It is a way that everyone gets engaged and your can then follow up later in the show by calling their mobile phone or follow up after the show.

How do you deal with peak hour?

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Gawk, Talk or Walk?

Do you Gawk, Talk or Walk?

More clearly, do you watch things happen, talk about things you will do or actually make things happen?

There is a time for all three of these but most people get stuck in the first two. So whether it is in your social life, your business life or even your spiritual life, don’t just talk about things or watch things happen, become part of what is happening. Take action. It is more satisfying, more rewarding and more beneficial when you do.

What action will you take today?

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You gotta Stand in the Stand!

One of the things that annoys me, but more importantly, costs exhibitors money, is sitting in your stand.

Let me explain.

If you were an exhibitor at a Trade Show or Expo, you would have paid thousands of dollars for the privilege. Dollars for the space, dollars for the stand, dollars for the promotion, dollars for the travel to get there and back, dollars for accomodation and meals and dollars for emergency sundry things that you forgot about and needed to get last minute. So after spending all of these dolllars, what do you get?

Anyone who has worked at a Trade Show knows that the biggest thing that you get is the pain in your feet! The show floor is concrete with a “film” of carpet if you are lucky. No matter how good your shoes are, the feet hurt. If only I could just sit down!!


Nothing will scare a prospect away quicker that someone sitting in the stand. Think about you own reaction when you walk up to someone who is sitting in their stand. Because it starts with the sitting, then the person sitting says to themselves, “I’ll just relax a little”. When the prospect comes over, they say to themselves, “I’ll get up if they are interested”.
The person coming over thinks, “They are not that interested so I’ll move on.”
The seated person thinks, “Yay, I don’t have to get up because my feet hurt!”

Prospect, potential sale, potential lifelong value of customer GONE! The thousands (if not tens of thousands and sometimes hundreds of thousands) invested in the show WASTED all because you have sore feet.

The Trade Show or Expo may be on for one, three or maybe eight days. That’s only eight days of your life that you have to have sore feet. As wifey says to me when I am whining, “Suck it up princess!!” This is why they call it a Stand. You have to stand there. You have to be on full alert. You have to make your guest feel welcomed when they come over and not feel uncomfortable. Standing at the edge of your booth welcoming guests, being friendly, engaging with prospects will do this so much better than sitting at the back of the Stand thinking about your sore feet.

Each prospect visiting will be visiting your stand for the first time, so for you it has to be the first time. With all the enthusiasm and vigour of the first time.

You Gotta Stand in the Stand!!


Warwick Merry
The Get More Guy

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Do you Invest Well?

It occurs to me that successful people invest well. They look at all the options available and put their hard earned cash where they will get the best return.

Do you invest well?

Successful people dabble a bit in shares, some in options, a bit in property, maybe some bond but that is not their most significant investment. They get returns here but not like their best investment.

Do you invest well?

After doing some research, I found the best investment they make is the one in themselves!! It is not always cash either. Sometimes it is in time too. Time to rest, time to recreate themselves, time to learn new ways or time to recharge their energy.

Do you invest well?

Until recently I had not invested in my own learning for awhile. On the weekend I went to a course and had the opportunity to learn new ideas, refresh old learning, meet new associates, and invest more in myself. It was the best investment I have made in sometime.

Do you invest well?

What investment will you make in yourself? Anything that grows you and your knowledge can only be described as investing well!


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Don’t be a Vulture!

I was at an Expo recently and saw some Vultures. I strongly encourage you to NOT be a Trade Show or Expo Vulture. Watch the

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video and see what I mean!

So what about you? Are you a Vulture? What can you do differently so that you add value to your visitor and not be a Vulture?


Warwick Merry
The Get More Guy

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Don’t be a Vulture!

I was at an Expo recently and saw some Vultures. I strongly encourage you to NOT be a Trade Show or Expo Vulture. Watch the video and see what I mean!

So what about you? Are you a Vulture? What can you do differently so that you add value to your visitor and not be a Vulture?


Warwick Merry
The Get More Guy

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Are you an Active Participant?

I was fortunate enough to MC the TEDx Melbourne even on Saturday. If you are not aware of TED I insist you go to and find our more before reading any further!

Anyway, it occurred to me that most participants at events like this are Passive, a fair few are Semi-Active and a rare few are truly Active. Here is how I define each category:

These people are happy to be at the session. They enjoy themselves but may little, if any, contribution to the discussion at the time. They are not willing to “stand out” and state an opinion. They will enjoy the session but life will continue on as normal.

These people love this kind of session. They make sure their opinion is made (and heard!) and they may even continue the discussion after the session has concluded. But at the end of the day, life goes on as per normal with minimal changes made.

These people are sometimes considered “The Quiet Achievers”. While they do express their opinion, they are also inclusive of others. They will encourage others to be part of the discussion and contribute their thoughts and ideas. Most importantly, they will actively implement some of their new ideas in their day to day life. They hear a new idea, decide what they can do about it and then put action in place.

I am not saying we should all be Active at this kind of session as it takes all types. What I am saying is that it is the Active Participants that get the most value out of a session.

What about you? What recent learning do you need to be Active about?

Photo: Peter Yandell

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Do You Have Piles?

Are you one of these people with piles?

What I mean is piles of paper on your desk, the window sill, the floor, your secretary’s desk? Maybe you even have them on the bench at home or in your home office? You know the piles I am talking about. They are the, “I’ll do that later” piles.

These piles drain your energy. Just looking at them exhausts you. Have you ever turned up to work, looked at your desk and then left it in search of the coffee you need to get you started? You HAVE to get rid of your piles.

Here are some easy ways:

  • Do it – so often we spend more energy putting something off that actually doing it.
  • Dump it – you may be delaying it because you are not going to do it, just throw it away. My theory is “When in doubt, chuck it out”.
  • Delegate it – maybe someone else is better off doing one this for you.
  • Deposit it – you pile may just need filing or archiving
  • Diarise it – Now may not be the best time to deal with a pile, so diarise an appointment with yourself when you will do it, and file the pile in your pending area until you need it.

Once you have dealt with your physical piles, what about your virtual piles? We call it email!!

Lovin’ your work!

Warwick Merry
The Get More Guy

Photo Credit: Placid Casual

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What’s in Your Head?

It seems to me that one of the worst voices we listen to is that one that is in our head. What do you hear when someone gives you feedback?

If someone is giving constructive criticism do you jump to, “Typical I’ve stuffed up again”.
If someone gives you a compliment do you hear, “They’re just saying that”.
When you achieve fantastic results do you hear, “But I could have done better”.

The voice does not serve you well. It can often sound like a parent, an old teacher, a sibling or a jealous rival. You are best often to ignore or silence the voice. When the voice kicks in, tell yourself; “That is NOT what they are saying” and listen to what the feedback actually is.

When someone is giving you feedback the best thing to do is accept it. You may not agree with it, but there will be value in it. To know someone thinks you have done well or to find ways you can improve what you are doing or to accept that you are not perfect but you are improving is a far more valuable way to deal with this situation.

So what is that voice saying now?

Warwick Merry
The Get More Guy

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What is Your Perspective?

Perspective can have such a significant impact on how we see a situation.

I live in Melbourne where we have Trams as a form of public transport. When I am in a tram, I want all the cars and pedestrians to get out of my way because they slow me down and I just want to keep moving. When I am in a car, I want the tram to go away because I have to stop more, the traffic is slower and pedestrians just step out on to the road – they slow me down and I just want to keep moving. When I am a pedestrian, I want all traffic (be they car, bus, tram, motorbike or pushbike) to get out of my way because they don’t consider me and get in my way – they slow me down and I just want to keep moving.

When I shift my perspective, my journey becomes more pleasant. When I’m in my car, if I recall how I feel when I’m on the tram or a pedestrian, I become more considerate. The same thing happens when I’m a pedestrian or on the tram considering how I feel when I am on the other modes of transport. My situation is still the same, but a shift in perspective makes the situation more pleasant and somehow it seems quicker and less draining.

What about you? What situation do you need to change your perspective on? Is it dealing with your kids, your partner, your boss, your colleagues, your pets, that guy at the train station, the person selling Big Issue magazines, or maybe it is how you relate to yourself? What is your perspective?


Warwick Merry
The Get More Guy

Photo: Joe Armao

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