Let’s Get Trending

At several recent conferences, we were able to get the event #Hashtag trending. Oh and it is DEFINITELY a WE and not ME. It is nigh impossible to do this on your own.
But several #Eventprofs and conference organisers have reached out to me to ask what we did to make that happen. For some smaller events, again it is a real challenge (I won’t say impossible but you can see if from there!) Even for large events, there are no guarantees!
But there are some key things you can do to lift the interest in your events. This increases the interest for people AT the events and those who are simply watching online.
Some people ask me, why would you even bother. “The conference is sold out – just enjoy it!” But here’s the thing, you, your company, your delegates, your sponsors and your partners have spent a lot of time, effort and money to make this event a huge success. Being able to share it, and increase traction on it makes that success last and even influences next years success.
It also builds a sense of achievement and re-enforces the sense of “made the right decision to be here” among your delegates. And to be honest, it does not take a great deal of extra effort to make it work for you.
So Wed 25th Sept at 8:30am Melbourne time, I will be running a quick power session on how to make your event trend. In 30 mins, learn the tips, tricks and techniques your event needs to become known. Even if you can’t join us, register and I will send you the recording.