Our Online Events Need Something – They Need Us To Be Better

Eventprofs, Associations, and others putting on Online and Virtual Events, Can we Do Better?
Don’t get me wrong, some great things are being done, we have taken on so much really quickly but can we please do better? Your delegates are BEGGING you!
I don’t mean every one needs and expensive studio, top tier conference event apps or the massively overproduced event.
I means tell your industry speakers, hosts and leaders to actually ENGAGE with the delegates. Don’t just read to them
Have your camera at EYE LEVEL because we don’t want to see up your nose.
Find somewhere PRIVATE. We love your family and your pets but we don’t need to see them on the day of the conference. Oh and if you are using your bedroom, please make the bed and tidy the back ground.
Make sure we CAN SEE YOU. Get some lamps, torches, flouro lights, whatever but lets us see you.
PLAY WITH US. As delegates, our attention will drift. You are competing against email and Facebook. Have some fun, make us do something, get us involved so we stay with you.
Virtual and Online Events are AWESOME. But if too many people stuff them up, they will begin to be loathed. A little bit of guidance and direction will make all the difference.
Can we just do a little better?
Reach out if you need some help!