Riding the Sales Wave and Without Getting Dumped

Here in Australia, face to face events are slowly coming back to life. Even simple things, like dining out and catching up for coffee are beginning to return. Not massively, but we are getting there.
As business owners and event specialists, there is always a level of riding the sales wave required. There are peaks and troughs. For some 2020 was a massive trough and for others it was a big peak. So how do you successfully rides the sales waves and not get wiped out?
The Surf is Unpredictable
The first thing you need to accept is that some surf is unpredictable. A rogue wave can hit at any time. So make sure you have enough capacity to deal with it. It could be a dry spell, a key staff member off work for some time or a significant change in your industry due to new regulations. Something WILL happen you just don’t know when. So make sure you have a reserve and a plan for it (or at the very least are building a reserve).
Enjoy the Ride
You know it will have it’s ups and downs so have some fun along the way. There is a lot to be said for your attitude and approach to constant change and the sales process.
Have a System
Your system may be on a spreadsheet or it may be on a notebook. It doesn’t have to be the latest and greatest CRM but whatever it is, follow it. Too often we get caught up in servicing existing clients that we forget about who we would like to be working with next. Effectively you are keeping one eye on the present and another on the future.
Repeat Business Rules
There is an old saying that it is five times easier to sell to an existing client than it is to get a new one. Yes so many people and businesses are constantly seeking new clients rather than providing repeat or additional services to existing ones. Consider what else you may be able to do for an existing client to help them achieve their goals.
Action is the Magic Word not Words are the Magic Action
Too many people talk about sales rather than pick up the phone, create the opportunity, or create a new approach. When in doubt, do something. Consider you goals, your purpose and your target markets and then find an approach, a prospect or make an event that aligns with them.
Don’t Go It Alone
The surf can be rough. It is not always safe to go out there on your own. An accountability partner can make sure you stay on the right path. Even it is just telling someone where you are going and then having a check point when you get back. The same in business. Accountability encourages and inspires the RIGHT action.
If you need help riding the sales wave, get in touch.