Simple Actions to Immediately Help Maintain Momentum

The beard has to go!
I had special dispensation from my gorgeous wife to grow a beard over the festive break. It is a symbolic element that shows me I am on a break. (Truth be told, it is also a symbolic element that shows me I am getting old. Loooads of silver hair in there!)
The promise I made to myself is that when I get back into it, the beard goes.
Today is the day.
I am a big believer in symbolic acts. They serve as anchor points that remind me of decisions I have made, positions I have taken, values I have upheld or times I want to celebrate. They reinforce the positive message I am giving myself and act as a reminder or “lock nut” to help ensure I stay the course.
One of these symbolic acts is to choose a theme for the year. A higher ideal or purpose to look up to. For 2020, my theme is “More Love”.
Sometimes it will be tough love, sometimes it may be generosity, sometimes it will be holding back. I see too much negativity in the world and with many of the problems we are facing in Australia, it is easy to sit back, complain and be negative about the future.
My challenge and focus for the year is to approach 2020 with More Love.
So I would LOVE it if you would accept this 2020 gift from me. It is a simple two page work sheet I use to learn from the past, plan for the future and create some action items. You can click here to get your copy.
I am interested, what actions will you take today to start your momentum for 2020?