Sometimes You Need A Distraction

Image: The view from the west wing in the Shed looking to the North.


The worst spot for me to be is in my own head.

I have thoughts that circle around so much that sometimes I find it hard to tell what is the truth and what is just an opinion.

My broken ankle has exacerbated this situation. For the last three months or so, I have been unable to walk, drive or leave the house. I so need a distraction. For the last couple of weeks my gorgeous wife has been in Sri Lanka to become a God Mother so I have felt this isolation more keenly.

Luckily I have some amazing friends. After a couple of phone calls, my fabulous friend Anne said she would happily drive me the 90 minutes to see our farm, hang around for 30 mins or so and then drive the 90 mins back.

During our drive we both agreed that we had stuff and thoughts we needed to be sidetracked from and a days adventure was just the trick.

The Australian countryside is amazing. Having a drive with a good friend, chatting about life (including the beauty of the Oxford comma) and enjoying the world what just what I needed. Then to spend about an hour foofing around at the Shed while Anne went and had a chat to the horses and strolled around the farm, was brilliant.

Today I feel refreshed, invigorated and have a lot more clarity around what is truly important. I have a renewed focus and connection with the world. All this from a simple distraction.

Where is your head at? What would a distraction do for you?