Stop Telling Us How Good You Are and Show Us. Here’s Why

When all is said and done, a lot more is said than done.
Never has this been truer than right now. One of the joys of technology and social media is that it has never been easier to communicate with family, friends, customers, prospects and absolute randoms. One of the curses of technology and social media is that it has never been easier to communicate with family, friends, customers, prospects and absolute randoms.
Too often brands and people are telling us how good they are, how good life is, how amazing their service is, how stupendous their products are… we don’t really care!
The rise of the influencer has also lead to the fall of the influencer. When your image is built on a mirage or a sneaky camera angle, you have no where to go but down.
The sensationalism of the internet and the desire/need for the next big thing sets people up with a drive to do well or at least to be seen to be doing well. All the time plagued with self doubt or plagued with the problem of trying to deliver something the company said it could but in reality, it can’t.
Banks telling us how great they are while generating significant profit and not supporting their customers in times of crisis. Telecommunications companies telling us their service is the best while not being able to deliver it to certain customers. Governments who tell us how amazing they are while abandoning people who need their care and support.
Don’t get me wrong, I know that certain levels of service cost a lot and are not always attainable. If you can’t do it, don’t tell us you can. That is where the problem lies, it’s in the lies!
Actions speak louder than words. Step up and BE the top performer, most caring, extra considerate don’t just stand there telling us. Let’s be honest, we no longer believe you.
So with what you are doing, do your actions match your message? If not, one of them has to change. Can I suggest it is your actions? Stop telling us and show us.