Tell ’em They’re Dreaming!

One of the classic lines from the movie The Castle is whenever one of the sons asked the dad about an object for sale in the paper, he replies with, “How much do they want for it?” No matter the amount, his comment is always, “Tell ’em they’re dreaming!”
With all the talk about face to face events at the moment, I can’t help but feel the same way!
Don’t get me wrong, I long to get together with my friends, delegates, conference organisers and other speakers and exhibitors as we talk about the industry, the topics, the issues and network with each other. As I write this, I am in day one of another six week lock down in Victoria. It is not pretty!
But let’s ignore that. Let us consider where we are at.
The Space
For some places, they are allowed four square metres per person and others two square metres (that is about 40 square feet and 20 square feet respectively). For any event in a seated area, your audience will look like this (this image is a COIVD proof seating plan for Berliner Ensemble):

From a speakers perspective, the energy in the room would be so low and dispersed. The connection would be so distant. No one would leave that presentation feeling like they had been uplifted, inspired or connected. What’s worse, they wouldn’t want to go back for the next session as it would feel empty.
But we haven’t even talked about the biggest danger…
As evidenced, people won’t do as they are directed. The number of people assembling on closed beaches, panic buying toilet paper, sneaking through borders, and taking part in restricted or unhealthy behaviours during this time has been astounding. We don’t even need COVID to prove this.
How many events have had the vegetarian food eaten by non-vegetarians, emergency doors opened because “I just need to get outside”, phones going off in session, PEOPLE ANSWERING PHONES in session, getting people to sit in a certain area, getting people to leave, getting people to turn up… the list is endless.
I know I have heard senior event people say, “But our events are different. Everyone is registered, we know who they all are, it is not just members of the public coming and going so we should be able to run these events.” Are you willing to risk it?
Are you willing to be the one who hosts and event and people get very unwell or even die because of an asymptomatic carrier who comes to the event?
The Disease
You know what? I am not qualified to talk on this. All I know is that the experts that I have listened to don’t know enough details. COVID19 is having long term impacts we are only just seeing.
What I do know is that the risks are too high. A bit of short term pain to prevent the possibility of spread has to be worth the long term gain doesn’t it?
What’s The Alternative?
Welcome to the world of Virtual or Online events.
OK so there are many aspects that are nowhere as good as face to face, but there are some elements of online events that are far better.
- You get to see the speaker face to face in an online event. On screen you are right up close.
- There is a level of intimacy and privacy of online events unmatched in a crowd
- Pants are optional!
- You can easily get instant feedback from the delegates
- You can swiftly move to breakout rooms without losing time
- You can have far greater reach as geography is no longer an issue (but internet access and speed is)
- It is easy to give supporting resources to delegates
- There are many tools for connection, collaboration and creating ideas together
- It is very cost effective
- Catering and special dietary requirements are no longer an issue!
I am sure the list goes on.
What Now?
Personally, I can’t wait to get back to live events. But I am willing to wait if it makes people safe. So why not focus in getting your event online. At the very least, consider a Hybrid Event so if you have to cancel the face to face at the last minute you already have your online set up.
Like all things, don’t go it alone. Get some expert advice or guidance to make it work. Naturally I am available to help wherever you are in the world and there are many other experts in their field too.
It is time to Stop Dreaming and get your next event online. Head to if you want a free strategy call on your next steps.
If you are looking for some help for your next event to go Bigger, Bolder, Better, then Warwick is definitely the right person for the job. He has hosted and produced events around the globe.
Call his office today on 0408 592 158 for more information or head to and book a free strategy session.
Warwick Merry is a Certified Speaking Professional and a twice Certified Virtual Presenter. He also authored “Get More Inspiration”, a book specifically designed not to read, and hosts the Get More Success online show.
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