The Most Talked About Element at An Event

When it comes to events, there is one element that is the topic of discussion above all else.

If you get it wrong, Lord help you. You will be trashed talked on social media and there will be an undercurrent of dissatisfaction throughout the event. But if you get it right, while it won’t give you rock star status, it will reflect positively and will give you some peace and quiet.

Naturally, I am talking about the catering!

While it is not the reason you went to the event, it is the most talked about element. With todays large number of Special Diet Requirements, it makes it even harder to get right.

I have heard comments like, “The sessions were ok but how good was the food. The food alone makes it worth it” or “The sessions were good but that food was rubbish. I am not coming back if that is all they can do.”

While it seems crazy, it does have an impact. So make this potential problem disappear. Make sure the catering is great and that you NEVER run out of food.

Oh if you are after a winner, for afternoon tea serve fresh scones with jam and cream. I have seen loads of “gluten free” people line up for them! They are the perennial favourite.

Then when you do get the catering right, make sure you reinforce it. Here is something I did for the 2017 Professional Conference Organisers Conference.

As I say, while the positive impact is not huge when you get it right, you don’t ever want to get it wrong.