What Can You Celebrate?

It’s Friyay! – time to Celebrate the Good Things
I have had a huge week. I produced/hosted a three day online summit. So many moving parts! At the end, my client said “I could not have done this without you”. The delegates said, “I loved the energy, engagement and humour that Warwick brought.”
Add to that my monthly planning session with The Forge Mastermind (highly recommend this!), virtual choir practice, some video editing, tech support for my brother, a pre-recorded live stream, and almost finished the OnlinePresenterPro series and all while my gorgeous wife is doing night shift so I have to keep it quiet when I can!
2 new clients also signed up this week so I have a couple of online award ceremonies to plan/host/produce.
I am happy! Exhausted … but happy and looking forward to a quiet weekend (due to more night shift!)
How was your week?
What fabulous things did you get up to?