What’s the Best Way to Say Thank You?

I am very fortunate. Over the years I have received some lovely gifts to say thank you.
As a speaker it is very common to receive a bottle of wine (or two!) But as a non-drinker it was always a little disappointing (my wife and friends loved it though.) I have also received different vouchers from books stores, music stores and even cafes. And every time I was grateful for the gift.
But last week I was blown away!
I was given a thank you gift of 2.5kg of gourmet bacon! It was astounding.
Now I am not saying you should give bacon to say thank you. In fact for many, their religious/personal beliefs and lifestyle habits would mean they would be more offended than appreciated. What I am saying is match the gift to the person.
The person who gave me the gift knows I do go on a lot about bacon and I am a big fan. She also knows that I don’t drink and that chocolate is not really my friend. So when she wanted to thank me, she knew that for the same price as a really nice bottle of champagne, she could get 2.5kg of gourmet bacon delivered to my door.
So the best way to say thank you is with something that the recipient loves. Maybe they knit so would appreciate some special wool. Maybe they paint and some awesome coloured oils/water paints would be appreciated. Maybe they are into woodwork and so would appreciate a specific chisel.
A little bit of investigating, like their Facebook page, a conversation with their partner or even asking them directly, will give you some strong direction on what would be appreciated.
A general thank you is awesome but a targeted, specific thank you will make them feel extra special.
How will you be saying thank you?