3 Simple Ways to Deal with Hustle Hysteria at your Next Event

People are suffering from “Hustle Hysteria”. So many people are convinced that, “If I just hustle harder, I will be more successful.” Post more on socials, create more videos, send more emails, make more calls, have more meetings, more more more….
You see this with events when they have session after session after session and delegates saying, “I have to go to everything!”
Woooooaaah there! Time to take a breath.
Too often we are burning out from this hustle hysteria. Time to crank it down a little. Here are three things you can do at your next event:
1) Plan an Interactive Social Element. Why not a session from RSPCA on the importance of pets where online delegates get their pets on camera?
2) Conference Care Corner. How about an area where people can chill, get a massage, talk about hobbies, and be work free
3) Agony Aunt Arena. Sometimes a session where people can talk about what annoys them about their industry. You may have a couple of senior people who can give ideas on how to address it or simply give people a chance to let off steam.
Wellbeing is important. For some mediation and walking before the day starts is not enough. Get creative and you can deal with Hustle Hysteria at your next event.