One Ridiculously Easy Way to Upgrade Your Online Events To Maximise Engagement

A tv screen superimposed over a flowing river.
Watching a Live Stream (Sorry for the Dad joke!)

So many of the conference organisers and event professionals I speak to are focussed on creating an event that is like a TV show. They want it running smooth, loads of pre-recorded video so they know it will work and a stack of AV special effects to make it dazzling.

Your delegates want more. Much more.

The underlying tenet of events that I am part of is, “Delegates want events done WITH them and not just TO them.” A TV show is not enough. If it was, you could just send everyone a recording and let them watch it. Knowing that most would watch on a faster speed and “skip to the good bits”.

Your delegates want more than simply TV. They want what I have termed “Two Way TV”. They want to interact with it. If you have a pre-recorded session, then make sure you have the speaker in the chat box interacting as it goes. Make sure your host is talking and interacting with the delegates, having fun with them and keeping them engaged. If you are running a hybrid, ensure that each site has their own host to interact with. They want to see their picture on the big screen or spotlit on the smaller screen. They event MUST be about THEM and with THEM.

The single principle of “2 Way TV” will significantly lift your engagement, energy and ROI. Online and Hybrid events are too significant a part of our future event space to have them simply TV. We MUST take it to the next level.

Let me know if you need ideas or strategies for your next online/hybrid event.