Are You Willing to be Responsible?

Global Politics seems to have lost its way. All over the world, many politicians seem to be acting in the interest of those who fund them or those who make the most noise.
Some have gone off on narrow minded, judgemental, unrealistic paths and tried to take as many people who will follow. Major parties seem to be more similar than ever.
Universally, it seems that respect of politicians is at an all time low.
As John Oliver said, “We used to listen to politicians and laugh at comedians. Now we laugh at politicians and listen to comedians.”
So whose fault is it?
Well there are many people you could blame. The media, the politicians, big oil, big pharma, big (insert industry in here), but the reality is that it all comes down to us.
WE are responsible because we vote or choose not to.
This Saturday is Election Day in Australia. So rather than going along and ticking the same old box because that’s what you always do, are you willing to be responsible?
Are you willing to google the different parties and find out a little about them? Some of them have pleasant names but weird policies, some weird names but great policies and some seem to have a single policy and that’s it.
Maybe head to ABC’s Vote Compass to get a feel for what party best matches your beliefs.
Cate Speaks has done an independent summary of all parties (to save you wading through all the muck) and it is a good reference.
It is not something to be taken lightly.
Spiderman’s Uncle Ben told him, “with great power comes great responsibility.”
I believe the reverse is also true, “With great responsibility comes great power.”
Time to stop blaming everyone/thing else and look at what can YOU do about it?
At the very least, make an informed choice this Saturday.
If you are in Melbourne, you can then come and see my vocal quartet perform! Check out all the detail here. We even have Mulled Wine!
So… Are you Willing to be Responsible?