Do You Really Need to Be A Good Speaker?

One of the guests on my podcast recently mentioned how he thought everyone needed to be a good speaker. I have been mulling over his comment and decided that, no, I don’t think everyone does need to be a good speaker.
While I agree with the intent behind his comment, I don’t agree with the modality. Let me explain. His thought is that if you can’t talk about who you are, what you do and how you add value then you may as well not do what you do as no one will discover you.
In the same way that there is little difference between someone who can’t read and someone who chooses not to, if you cannot communicate your thoughts and ideas, have you really had them?
Where I disagree with his thesis is that I don’t believe you need to be a speaker. Many introverts I know never speak but they get their message across (often better than introverts!)
I don’t think you need to be a good speaker but you do need to be a good communicator. You need to be able to convey your ideas in a manner that others can digest, understand and act upon.
Whether it is written, spoken, sung or done in sign language, the ability to communicate your thoughts, desires and ideas is important.
How well do you communicate?
What is your preferred modality?
How can you get better at it?
If I can help, please get in touch.