It Is Not As Obvious As You Think!

You could have knocked me over with a feather!
Last week I was talking with a couple of clients. They had used me before on several occasions and I thought they knew what I did, particularly with my shift to online event production and hosting. I was certain I had even talked about with them directly.
Both of them didn’t realise that I was producing events (pressing buttons, mixing audio and video, showing slide decks, highlighting speakers) as well as being the MC for that online event. Following these conversations I have booked two gigs with them.
I thought I was talking about events too much. If it is even possible, I was almost getting tired of my own voice! I was certain that I had mentioned what I am doing several times.
Still, they didn’t really know. Hence, here I am talking about it again.
What about for you? What do you do that your customer doesn’t know about? Maybe they only know you for ONE of your services or products. How can you share with them some of the successes that you have achieved for your other customers? How can you let them know you do more than what you are doing for them?
From personal experience, your clients are busy. They often don’t hear your message – not because they don’t care but because they are focussed on THEIR customer. So how can you make it easy for them to hear about what else you do?
Meanwhile, I will keep spreading the good word about Online Events. (He says, warming up to tell you what he does).
So if you need me, I will be here in my studio. With my four computers, two cameras, vision switcher, audio panel, sound panels and green screen. I will be running my weekly live stream on events (sign up to my YouTube channel to keep in touch , sharing content on LinkedIn, and coaching people with their Online Presence.
Let me know if you need help with your next online event!
If you want your next online event or meeting to shine, get in touch with Warwick for some ideas or assistance on how to make it energetic and engaging.
Simply email Warwick [at@] or call +61 408 592 158