Archive For: Presenting Online

How Do You Get Better?

I have to say, I have been pretty busy the last few months.

From producing online events (mini brag here – they have been in Singapore, UK, USA and later this week in Hawaii!) to helping other speakers get their studios sorted for online presentations to working with corporates to making their online meetings engaging and… worthwhile!

Some people have been asking how did I get to know all I do about this online presenting stuff and how they can get better.

I love what the philosopher Kierkegaard said, “Life has to be lived forwards but understood backwards.”

I have been fortunate enough to have some amazing life experiences. Radio DJ, singer, recording music, acting in theatrical productions, improv, stand up, story telling, author, content creator and of course event host and producer. Looking backward, I can understand that each of these elements has taught me something that helps me with my online work.

As you would expect, this puts me in a unique position right now.

I am continuing to learn and get better at what I do. In fact, keep your eye out for something new I have coming soon where I share some of these secrets!!

But for anyone to get better at anything, the key thing is … to do it more!

Wanna be a better singer? Sing more.
Wanna be a better writer? Write more.
Wanna be a better cook? Cook more.

So what do you want to get better at?

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The One Thing You Need For Your Online Event To Wow

Warwick Merry on a computer screen holding up 1 finger.

I was thrilled to host and speaker at a 2 day sales meeting for a client last week. At the end of the event, the delegates, the CEO and the organiser were all going WOW. It was all due to one thing!

Now online meetings and events are almost old fashioned! We have embraced the benefits of online, addressed some of it’s misgivings and the future clearly has online events as part of it.

In fact many of us now how online social events. In the past month I have had drinks sessions, dinner parties, improvised theatre performances, cabaret performances, and some music concerts all from the comfort of my own home. My nieces, nephews and close friends all study online regardless of whether it is secondary, tertiary or post grad.

But there is one thing that takes it from “Meh” to “WOW!”

That one thing is having the right event host! (Naturally I recommend me!)

My clients were thrilled that I lifted their event from the regular sales meeting to something memorable, special and fun.

My nieces and nephews happily tell me of the teachers that really bring the session to life rather than the same old – same old!

The right host is the glue that holds everything together. They build the energy when needed, make sure the technology behaves itself (and when it doesn’t, they deal with it), and ensure that the focus stays on the delegates as the main players in the event.

Whether it is me as the host, the teacher, your managers, you as the team leader, or someone else, what are you doing to make your delegates go “WOW!”

PS Warwick talked about this topic in more detail on the recent episode of the Get Events Online Live Stream. You can see the recording here.

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Three Zoom setups. 
Tony robbins with thousands of people.
Coach Joe Pane with Hundreds of people
and a simple computer with 2 screens and a camera

So many eventsย people and speakers are looking for amazing tech setups. Some have amazing looking setups like the ones in this image.

But never forget, you are alone in your room as your audience is alone in theirs. Having their pictures on the screen is meaningless if you are not engaging.

The best setup is a camera and a screen. That’s it. (and the camera can be a webcam, smartphone or even the one in your laptop.)

The difference is what you do with it.

You have to truly connect with the camera. Because the camera represents the people. You need to look at them.

It doesn’t matter your setup if you can’t connect or engage.

To many people try and create an online experience and end up making an Average TV Show. And an Average TV Show is just too easy to turn off.

Let go of the tech. Get better at presenting, engaging, playing, laughing, connecting, inspiring, energising and delighting those on the other side of the camera. That is the best setup you could ask for!

PS Need help with your set up or online engagement skills?
Get in touch.

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What are the Holy Trinity of Video and Why Do They Matter?

When it comes to broadcasting – live or via a recording, there are three things you MUST get right.

It this episode of the Get Events Online show, Warwick talks about the consequences of not addressing this “Holy Trinity” and what you can do to make sure your videos shine.

Check out the episode and get in touch if you need some assistance with your next energetic and engaging online event.

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How To Be An Influencer

Two trays of home made Cinnamon Scrolls

Over the weekend, I made these Cinnamon Scrolls and without meaning to, I became an Influencer!

Now I am not saying there was a rush on cinnamon, but I do know that three other people made cinnamon scrolls and tagged me. That is certainly exerting some influence. Often that is all it takes. Just a nudge to two or three people and you can start something.

(By the way if you want to make these scrolls, the recipe is here.)

On a different front, I exerted even more influence.

Last week, Zoom released 5.2. While it has a few new, fun features, one really powerful feature is to be able to display your video overlaid on top of your presentation slides. When I read about it, I got a little excited (you can do it manually but this is easier).

I shot a short video showing how to do it and a few other fun things and then released it.

To date, that video has been seen on LinkedIn and Facebook about 10,000 times. It has generated some interesting responses, requests for help and a load of new connections.

In both of these examples, all I did was share something interesting, desired and put a funny, authentic twist on it. The key here is “desired”.

People were salivating over the cinnamon rolls and were excited about the new feature, especially in my network.

Could you do something similar?

What do you know of that is interesting, and desired that you can present with a funny, authentic twist?

PS You can watch that video here (now with the unintended joke at the end)

PPS The latest episode of the Get More Success Show is out.
This time I was thrilled to chat with Terry Brock. A technology journalist, speaker, humanitarian and all round nice guy. He is a man who LOVES cars, but doesn’t own one! Check the podcast for more.

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How to Put Video in Front of Slides in Zoom

Zoom has released version 5.2

It has some great stuff like adjusting camera lighting and sound filtering. It has some fluffy stuff like filters. But it also has a cracking new feature.

You can now download your presentation and have the video footage of you broadcast over the top of the slides. (See the video for the visual.)


There are some caveats. Your audience MUST be running 5.2 to be able to see it. Your computer must be powerful enough to run virtual backgrounds.

So if you have an older computer or a low processing power one like a Mac Book Air, then you may struggle. See Zoom support page for their requirements.

So check out this 4 minutes of fun on how you can do it and what it looks like.

Reach out if you have any questions.

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Hybrid Events – Panacea or Pandora’s Box?

Are Hybrid events the panacea that they are being made out to be?
How do you get the best from the Hybrid format and avoid the pitfalls?

This is the Get Events Online Live Stream where we talk all about Hybrid Events.

With the world going into lock down, are hybrid events the answer to all of our problems or do they just add more?

Watch and find out more. Skip to the 5 minute mark to miss the intro video and get to the good stuff!

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Zoom Fatigue – Fact or Fiction?

As part of my new weekly online stream show about Get Events Online, I talked about the issue of Zoom Fatigue. What is it, is it real, if it is how do you deal with it?

It’s only 11 minutes of goodness and it even harks back to Victorian times as well as talks a bit about socks. I know right!

Let me know how you go dealing with your Zoom Fatigue (spoiler – I think it’s a furphy!)

If you want to see more of my live stream, head to my YouTube Channel and subscribe or join my Facebook page. I would love to connect with you there!

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Tell ’em They’re Dreaming!

One of the classic lines from the movie The Castle is whenever one of the sons asked the dad about an object for sale in the paper, he replies with, “How much do they want for it?” No matter the amount, his comment is always, “Tell ’em they’re dreaming!”

With all the talk about face to face events at the moment, I can’t help but feel the same way!

Don’t get me wrong, I long to get together with my friends, delegates, conference organisers and other speakers and exhibitors as we talk about the industry, the topics, the issues and network with each other. As I write this, I am in day one of another six week lock down in Victoria. It is not pretty!

But let’s ignore that. Let us consider where we are at.

The Space

For some places, they are allowed four square metres per person and others two square metres (that is about 40 square feet and 20 square feet respectively). For any event in a seated area, your audience will look like this (this image is a COIVD proof seating plan for Berliner Ensemble):

From a speakers perspective, the energy in the room would be so low and dispersed. The connection would be so distant. No one would leave that presentation feeling like they had been uplifted, inspired or connected. What’s worse, they wouldn’t want to go back for the next session as it would feel empty.

But we haven’t even talked about the biggest danger…


As evidenced, people won’t do as they are directed. The number of people assembling on closed beaches, panic buying toilet paper, sneaking through borders, and taking part in restricted or unhealthy behaviours during this time has been astounding. We don’t even need COVID to prove this.

How many events have had the vegetarian food eaten by non-vegetarians, emergency doors opened because “I just need to get outside”, phones going off in session, PEOPLE ANSWERING PHONES in session, getting people to sit in a certain area, getting people to leave, getting people to turn up… the list is endless.

I know I have heard senior event people say, “But our events are different. Everyone is registered, we know who they all are, it is not just members of the public coming and going so we should be able to run these events.” Are you willing to risk it?

Are you willing to be the one who hosts and event and people get very unwell or even die because of an asymptomatic carrier who comes to the event?

The Disease

You know what? I am not qualified to talk on this. All I know is that the experts that I have listened to don’t know enough details. COVID19 is having long term impacts we are only just seeing.

What I do know is that the risks are too high. A bit of short term pain to prevent the possibility of spread has to be worth the long term gain doesn’t it?

What’s The Alternative?

Welcome to the world of Virtual or Online events.

OK so there are many aspects that are nowhere as good as face to face, but there are some elements of online events that are far better.

  • You get to see the speaker face to face in an online event. On screen you are right up close.
  • There is a level of intimacy and privacy of online events unmatched in a crowd
  • Pants are optional!
  • You can easily get instant feedback from the delegates
  • You can swiftly move to breakout rooms without losing time
  • You can have far greater reach as geography is no longer an issue (but internet access and speed is)
  • It is easy to give supporting resources to delegates
  • There are many tools for connection, collaboration and creating ideas together
  • It is very cost effective
  • Catering and special dietary requirements are no longer an issue!

I am sure the list goes on.

What Now?

Personally, I can’t wait to get back to live events. But I am willing to wait if it makes people safe. So why not focus in getting your event online. At the very least, consider a Hybrid Event so if you have to cancel the face to face at the last minute you already have your online set up.

Like all things, don’t go it alone. Get some expert advice or guidance to make it work. Naturally I am available to help wherever you are in the world and there are many other experts in their field too.

It is time to Stop Dreaming and get your next event online. Head to if you want a free strategy call on your next steps.


If you are looking for some help for your next event to go Bigger, Bolder, Better, then Warwick is definitely the right person for the job. He has hosted and produced events around the globe.

Call his office today on 0408 592 158 for more information or head to and book a free strategy session.

Warwick Merry is a Certified Speaking Professional and a twice Certified Virtual Presenter.  He also authored  “Get More Inspiration”, a book specifically designed not to read, and hosts the Get More Success online show.

Discover more at ๏ปฟ, and ๏ปฟ

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The Secret to Successful and Powerful Online Sessions

Warwick Merry on a screen pointing at the reader with a quizzical look on his face

Do you know how to get your online session attendees excited?
Can you make the audience laugh even if it is a serious or dry subject?
Can you make a recording of your presentation really POP?

There is one secret to successful and powerful online sessions, and so many people don’t know it.

This secret applies whether you are presenting online to thousands of people, having a virtual team meeting, or just catching up on Zoom with family and friends. Many people have HEARD the secret but then failed to take it on board. Truth be told, this same secret applies to face to face sessions, physical conferences as well as regular meetings.

That secret is this:

Your delegates and audience want the session to be done WITH them and not just TO them.

That means if you want to play a video of your presentation then get on the chat and engage with the audience as your video is playing. Add an extra dimension to your presentation.

That means if your are presenting, consider what you can do to get the delegates and audience involved. Simplistically, you can ask them questions and get responses in the chat. You could also use polling to ask them questions. Or maybe get everyone working on a Jamboard together.

There are hundreds of ways to make your session more inclusive and still support the theme and learning of what you are after. Find more ways to involve your audience or, quite simply, they will leave.

How will you make your next session something that is done WITH the audience and not just TO them?

Reach out if you need some help with it.

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Our Online Events Need Something – They Need Us To Be Better

Eventprofs, Associations, and others putting on Online and Virtual Events, Can we Do Better?

Don’t get me wrong, some great things are being done, we have taken on so much really quickly but can we please do better? Your delegates are BEGGING you!

I don’t mean every one needs and expensive studio, top tier conference event apps or the massively overproduced event.

I means tell your industry speakers, hosts and leaders to actually ENGAGE with the delegates. Don’t just read to them

Have your camera at EYE LEVEL because we don’t want to see up your nose.

Find somewhere PRIVATE. We love your family and your pets but we don’t need to see them on the day of the conference. Oh and if you are using your bedroom, please make the bed and tidy the back ground.

Make sure we CAN SEE YOU. Get some lamps, torches, flouro lights, whatever but lets us see you.

PLAY WITH US. As delegates, our attention will drift. You are competing against email and Facebook. Have some fun, make us do something, get us involved so we stay with you.

Virtual and Online Events are AWESOME. But if too many people stuff them up, they will begin to be loathed. A little bit of guidance and direction will make all the difference.

Can we just do a little better?

Reach out if you need some help!

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Online Working, Studying, Supporting, Health, Education and … LIFE!

I have heard many people say during the pandemic that they ‘Can’t wait for things to get back to normal”. Let me save you some time.

It never will.

THIS is our new normal.

One thing that the pandemic has done is forced us to embrace the online life. Many companies were toying with it. Some were planning for it. Others had simply heard about it. But the pandemic made it happen.

This is not a bad thing!

Telehealth in Australia means that more people can be helped with reduced impact on their lives. A recent article on the ABC News website talked about how Telehealth is here to stay. It is cost effective, geographically independent and less time consuming for the client.

Online meetings and events are going great guns! They will never replace face to face meetings but they are not intended to. In many ways, online events are far better than face to face ones. Reduced travel, accomodation, cost, environmental impact and you get to have a more intimate experience that if you were physically there.

Think about it, you are no longer half way back in the room you are right up in the face of the presenter. You are connecting in a way that is not possible en masse. The right facilitators and speakers can make the experience MORE when it is online.

Working from home has become the norm. Good managers are not people watching, they are results watching. Finally, we are given the responsibility to do our tasks without someone looking over our shoulders. This means it is possible to manage all responsibilities while getting your work done and skipping a chunk of travel time and all is associated costs.

The online life is here to stay.
How will you take advantage of it?

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How Can You Have A Virtual Sticky Note Board?

How do you brainstorm with digital sticky notes?
How can everyone access the sticky notes?
Can you move them, comment on them and do it all – for free?

Everyone loves brainstorming with sticky notes or Post-It Notes ยฎ but when we go online, how can we do it virtually?

This is a question loads of people have asked me. And there are some fantastic apps and programs that can help you do it.

I don’t know about you, but I am tired of paying $20 a month for this, $15 a month for that or $400 for an annual license. Surely there has to be a better, cheaper way for something you may not use a lot?

Well there is. It is called Google Jamboard and Laurie Brown showed it to me so I want to show it to you and show you how easy, effortless and FREE it is.

I got so excited that I recorded a video on how to use it when I was all bearded and horribly unprofessional, but in a COVID19 age, that boundary is shifting.

It is only 7 minutes, but I think it will shift your perspective on using sticky notes online.


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Some Tips, A Resource and A Question

Life seems to be a little more full on than usual. We face different risks every day and the risks are stronger, stranger and scarier that we have been faced with for a long time! So to help, here are some tips, a resource and a question to help you.

Some Tips

1) Be kind. As shops, business and states start to open up. Please be kind. To those running the place, the other patrons and even yourself. It is a weird world now and usual rules don’t apply

2) Get Better at Video. Our world has been transformed and video is a thing, now more than ever. Julian Mather is a legend at using your smart phone to make things look awesome. If you want to communicate better over video just using your phone, he is the one to turn to. He has a free course here and then offers a more sophisticated course for a fee. 
(I rarely take on affiliates but I am an affiliate of his because I am such a fan of his work. So be aware that should you choose to pay him, I would get a commission)

3) Have Fun. The Minister for Fun once told me, “If it’s not Fun – don’t do it. If you have to do it, Make it Fun!” 
So no matter how distanced we have to be, you can always add a bit of fun.

A Resource

Here is a three minute ish video I created for one of Australia’s premier online events company RedBack Connect.

It covers some of the key things you need to do to present powerfully online. 
You Won’t Believe Number 5! (He says in a click bait kind of way!)

A Question

How can I help you? With all that is going on right now, what do you need?

  • If you need to connect, come to our What’s Up Wednesdays for an informal chat and connection 
  • If you need some coaching to really boost your online presenting skills, get in touch and let’s talk.
  • If you need a burst of inspiration, check out this cover of the Foo Fighter’s Times Like These.
  • If you want to have your own Online Event but don’t know how to get started, get in touch and let’s talk.
  • If you have been homeschooling kids and you need a resource to help you and the kids, this song really provides what you need.

If you need anything else, get in touch and we will see what we can do.

Next Time

Ok. So next time should be on a Monday, but we will see how that goes.

Take care of yourself, those you love, those who love you and, of course, wash your hands!

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We Have Changed the World Forever

Zoom meeting with faces blurred out

We did it!
We did what they said couldn’t be done.
It has changed things forever!

So often before the lockdown, business and people would say to me, “Oh no face to face is so much better. We will never go online”

Then there was the lock down.

It is amazing how quickly things will change when they have to. While my personal belief is that we are not out of the woods yet when it comes to minimising the harm from COVID19, it seems to me that Online Sessions are here forever.

People have found how easy it is to connect, communicate, sell, entertain, care, and grow with an online experience. Yes, there are different elements of the online experience that are exhausting or take extra effort, but we will get used to it. We will adapt. We will adopt. It will become our new normal.

We did it with trains! In Victorian times, it was believed that Train Travel could cause instant insanity. Turns out, this isn’t the case!

While it won’t replace face to face meetings completely, it has changed us forever. I know for a fact it has changed my business forever – mostly in a good way. 

So how do we embrace it? How do we change our interactions to take advantage of it’s benefits? How do we deal with the many different tools to use?

The secret is to not go alone.

I know I have learnt so much from those around me.
I have learnt some of the key issues can be easily dealt with regardless of the technology.
I have learnt that there are secrets to each platform to get the most out of it.

The world has changed forever – I believe for the better.

My renewed mission is to Get Events Online. From large conferences down to small team and family gathers. It means I won’t have to travel as much. It means I get to spend more time with my loved ones. It means I get to have a global presence while staying at home.

When it comes to events, the world has changed forever and I, for one, am glad!

PS Let me know if you need help changing to Online Events in your world!

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