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Archive For: Success
Are You Brave Enough to Fail and Not Torment Yourself as You Do?
Riding the Sales Wave and Without Getting Dumped
How to Avoid Dead Air and Bring Your Performance to Life
How to Look Good On Zoom
Happy Valentines Day (Or Week!)
How To Get In Touch With Your Creativity
What is the Most Important Part of Your Online Event (and 2021)?
Is It Safe to Face the New Year Yet?
Time to Look Ahead (but not too far!)

It’s December! For those of us in the Southern Hemisphere it means we are getting into full Summer mode. (The forecast for Sydney today is 42C – so its hot!)
Experience has also shown that often, business get into a phase down approach. Not sure if this year will be any different. COVID and 2020 in general has been a kick in the pants for many. So what usually happens is not longer what is going to happen.
But it is time to take time. Time to consider your plans for 2021. Time to consider how to finish 2020 in a strong position (or as strong as possible).
2021 will still be a bit weird and flexibility will be paramount. There is no “going back to normal” as this is the new normal. What this means is that it is not worth considering too far ahead, but it is time to at the very least plan some time for planning.
To help you, I have a one pager called a Regular Results Review. Click on the link and download it and spend an hour or so considering how far you have come this year and what next year may hold.
Here’s to a cracking time ahead!
Why Thank You Counts
Recently I had done a few favours for one of the bureaus that represents me. I was happy to do them. It is all part of continuing to position myself as someone who can host and produce energetic and engaging online events.
But they knew what I had done was no small thing. So to say thank you they sent me something. When it arrived I had my suspicions on what it may have been so I shot a quick unboxing video. See how big my grin gets as I unbox it!! It is only 100 seconds, check out the video. I will wait.
It was pretty cool yeah?
Anyway, saying thank you is so important. Even if it is exactly what you are paying them to do for you. You don’t need to give expensive gives, some times simply saying thank you is enough. Taking the time to let that person know what they are doing really contributes to you and your bigger picture of success allows them to be part of it.
It enables them to feel good about the contribution they make and shows them how valued they are. Something that is often missed.
So whether it is your partner, your kids, your boss, your colleagues, your suppliers, your customers, your shop assistants, your wait staff or your cleaner, saying thank you will always make a big difference.
Who do you need to say thank you to today?
What Can You Celebrate?

It’s Friyay! – time to Celebrate the Good Things
I have had a huge week. I produced/hosted a three day online summit. So many moving parts! At the end, my client said “I could not have done this without you”. The delegates said, “I loved the energy, engagement and humour that Warwick brought.”
Add to that my monthly planning session with The Forge Mastermind (highly recommend this!), virtual choir practice, some video editing, tech support for my brother, a pre-recorded live stream, and almost finished the OnlinePresenterPro series and all while my gorgeous wife is doing night shift so I have to keep it quiet when I can!
2 new clients also signed up this week so I have a couple of online award ceremonies to plan/host/produce.
I am happy! Exhausted … but happy and looking forward to a quiet weekend (due to more night shift!)
How was your week?
What fabulous things did you get up to?
Why Donut Day can Reconnect Us

In Melbourne yesterday (and again today), it was Donut Day. That is 0 new cases of COVID and 0 deaths due to COVID. To celebrate, our neighbour bought us these sensational donuts (the dog didn’t get any!)
One of the biggest tragedies of this pandemic is the separation of communities that were once previously connected. From “Australia – we’re all in this together” we quickly transitioned to “Every state is on their own”. This worsened to Metropolitan vs Regional.
It didn’t stop there though. There seemed to be a separation along political lines as well, and not just from the leaders of each party. There was also separation between employees and self employed. Worse still, everyone in the arts community just seemed to be abandoned, yet national sporting teams got special permissions.
So now, with a reduction in restrictions we can start to reconnect. We can rebuild our great community.
We can realise we ARE in this together. We are on the same ocean but we are in different boats. We have different levels of impact. Different levels of suffering. Different perspective on next steps.
But with empathy and understanding of what others are going though, we can reconnect and continue to face this pandemic stronger than ever.
Yay for Donut Day!
What’s the Best Way to Say Thank You?

I am very fortunate. Over the years I have received some lovely gifts to say thank you.
As a speaker it is very common to receive a bottle of wine (or two!) But as a non-drinker it was always a little disappointing (my wife and friends loved it though.) I have also received different vouchers from books stores, music stores and even cafes. And every time I was grateful for the gift.
But last week I was blown away!
I was given a thank you gift of 2.5kg of gourmet bacon! It was astounding.
Now I am not saying you should give bacon to say thank you. In fact for many, their religious/personal beliefs and lifestyle habits would mean they would be more offended than appreciated. What I am saying is match the gift to the person.
The person who gave me the gift knows I do go on a lot about bacon and I am a big fan. She also knows that I don’t drink and that chocolate is not really my friend. So when she wanted to thank me, she knew that for the same price as a really nice bottle of champagne, she could get 2.5kg of gourmet bacon delivered to my door.
So the best way to say thank you is with something that the recipient loves. Maybe they knit so would appreciate some special wool. Maybe they paint and some awesome coloured oils/water paints would be appreciated. Maybe they are into woodwork and so would appreciate a specific chisel.
A little bit of investigating, like their Facebook page, a conversation with their partner or even asking them directly, will give you some strong direction on what would be appreciated.
A general thank you is awesome but a targeted, specific thank you will make them feel extra special.
How will you be saying thank you?
How to Take Your Awards to the Next Level

Oh my lawks a lordy! What a full on session it was!
Friday I had the delight of hosting and producing an annual awards ceremony for one of Australia’s medium sized banks.
In 1 hr (59 minutes to be exact) we had:
- Almost 200 people on the Zoom session
- A big countdown video
- A welcome video
- The CEO speech
- Almost 30 awards
- 6 acceptance speeches
- 98 slides
- 10 prize draws off the prize wheel
- Board Chair Speech
- Breakout rooms for networking
- Plenty of laughs
- Lots of dancing
- Two outro videos
And it was all run from mission control that you see above.
Look closely and you will see two cameras (good to have a back up), vision mixer, sound input, one laptop for slides, one laptop for video, two screens for running the show, one screen showing what was happening in the vision mixer, multiple computers recording the session and an empty cup of coffee (and that was before we started!)
Award winning conference organiser Sue Ryman-Kiernan from Wise Connections had done all the hard work in getting it organised and then … we were live!
What did the client say? “It was superb!”
The CEO was laughing and celebrating all the way through.
A huge success in anyone’s language.
How we look at events has changed.
Never before has this bank been able to have so many of their staff engaged in an awards ceremony in a way that celebrates who they are all while keeping them safe. It was more than “just another Zoom call” and it has them all excited about the year ahead.
So what do you need to consider for your next online event?
How can you make it stand out, get your entire team engaged and set a new standard for “how things are done around here?”
Get in touch if you need any guidance or support to take your awards to the next level.