Online Working, Studying, Supporting, Health, Education and … LIFE!

I have heard many people say during the pandemic that they ‘Can’t wait for things to get back to normal”. Let me save you some time.
It never will.
THIS is our new normal.
One thing that the pandemic has done is forced us to embrace the online life. Many companies were toying with it. Some were planning for it. Others had simply heard about it. But the pandemic made it happen.
This is not a bad thing!
Telehealth in Australia means that more people can be helped with reduced impact on their lives. A recent article on the ABC News website talked about how Telehealth is here to stay. It is cost effective, geographically independent and less time consuming for the client.
Online meetings and events are going great guns! They will never replace face to face meetings but they are not intended to. In many ways, online events are far better than face to face ones. Reduced travel, accomodation, cost, environmental impact and you get to have a more intimate experience that if you were physically there.
Think about it, you are no longer half way back in the room you are right up in the face of the presenter. You are connecting in a way that is not possible en masse. The right facilitators and speakers can make the experience MORE when it is online.
Working from home has become the norm. Good managers are not people watching, they are results watching. Finally, we are given the responsibility to do our tasks without someone looking over our shoulders. This means it is possible to manage all responsibilities while getting your work done and skipping a chunk of travel time and all is associated costs.
The online life is here to stay.
How will you take advantage of it?