The Secret to Successful and Powerful Online Sessions

Do you know how to get your online session attendees excited?
Can you make the audience laugh even if it is a serious or dry subject?
Can you make a recording of your presentation really POP?
There is one secret to successful and powerful online sessions, and so many people don’t know it.
This secret applies whether you are presenting online to thousands of people, having a virtual team meeting, or just catching up on Zoom with family and friends. Many people have HEARD the secret but then failed to take it on board. Truth be told, this same secret applies to face to face sessions, physical conferences as well as regular meetings.
That secret is this:
Your delegates and audience want the session to be done WITH them and not just TO them.
That means if you want to play a video of your presentation then get on the chat and engage with the audience as your video is playing. Add an extra dimension to your presentation.
That means if your are presenting, consider what you can do to get the delegates and audience involved. Simplistically, you can ask them questions and get responses in the chat. You could also use polling to ask them questions. Or maybe get everyone working on a Jamboard together.
There are hundreds of ways to make your session more inclusive and still support the theme and learning of what you are after. Find more ways to involve your audience or, quite simply, they will leave.
How will you make your next session something that is done WITH the audience and not just TO them?
Reach out if you need some help with it.