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Archive For: Fun
One Ridiculously Easy Way to Upgrade Your Online Events To Maximise Engagement
3 Simple Ways to Deal with Hustle Hysteria at your Next Event
Happy Valentines Day (Or Week!)
How To Get In Touch With Your Creativity
Why Thank You Counts
Recently I had done a few favours for one of the bureaus that represents me. I was happy to do them. It is all part of continuing to position myself as someone who can host and produce energetic and engaging online events.
But they knew what I had done was no small thing. So to say thank you they sent me something. When it arrived I had my suspicions on what it may have been so I shot a quick unboxing video. See how big my grin gets as I unbox it!! It is only 100 seconds, check out the video. I will wait.
It was pretty cool yeah?
Anyway, saying thank you is so important. Even if it is exactly what you are paying them to do for you. You don’t need to give expensive gives, some times simply saying thank you is enough. Taking the time to let that person know what they are doing really contributes to you and your bigger picture of success allows them to be part of it.
It enables them to feel good about the contribution they make and shows them how valued they are. Something that is often missed.
So whether it is your partner, your kids, your boss, your colleagues, your suppliers, your customers, your shop assistants, your wait staff or your cleaner, saying thank you will always make a big difference.
Who do you need to say thank you to today?
How to Take Your Awards to the Next Level

Oh my lawks a lordy! What a full on session it was!
Friday I had the delight of hosting and producing an annual awards ceremony for one of Australia’s medium sized banks.
In 1 hr (59 minutes to be exact) we had:
- Almost 200 people on the Zoom session
- A big countdown video
- A welcome video
- The CEO speech
- Almost 30 awards
- 6 acceptance speeches
- 98 slides
- 10 prize draws off the prize wheel
- Board Chair Speech
- Breakout rooms for networking
- Plenty of laughs
- Lots of dancing
- Two outro videos
And it was all run from mission control that you see above.
Look closely and you will see two cameras (good to have a back up), vision mixer, sound input, one laptop for slides, one laptop for video, two screens for running the show, one screen showing what was happening in the vision mixer, multiple computers recording the session and an empty cup of coffee (and that was before we started!)
Award winning conference organiser Sue Ryman-Kiernan from Wise Connections had done all the hard work in getting it organised and then … we were live!
What did the client say? “It was superb!”
The CEO was laughing and celebrating all the way through.
A huge success in anyone’s language.
How we look at events has changed.
Never before has this bank been able to have so many of their staff engaged in an awards ceremony in a way that celebrates who they are all while keeping them safe. It was more than “just another Zoom call” and it has them all excited about the year ahead.
So what do you need to consider for your next online event?
How can you make it stand out, get your entire team engaged and set a new standard for “how things are done around here?”
Get in touch if you need any guidance or support to take your awards to the next level.
One Simple Thing to Becoming an Expert

I spent the weekend working with some old hardwood timber I got from pulling down an old picket fence. My gorgeous wife wanted a narrow table to go behind one of the couches at the shed and who am I to not give her what she wants!! (Plus it was awesome to spend time away from the computer).
As with all things, if it isn’t on social media then it hasn’t happened. So I popped a couple of images there once I finished building it. (The oiling happens next weekend.)
Many people commented on how talented I am. Let me be frank, I am not a talented woodworker! I am a “competent” woodworker and I have spent a bit of money on some tools to help make things easier (thicknesser, table saw, electric sander and so on). Nearly everything I have learnt has come from YouTube and conversations with others who are more skilled than I.
The one simple thing to becoming an expert (or at the very least getting better) is to have a go at it. Step out with confidence and give it a try. At nearly every stage along the way as I was building this I was thinking, “I hope I don’t stuff this next bit up!” But I didn’t let it stop me.
Oh and there were some stuff ups along the way. But that is how you learn. It is part of the “Fail Faster” approach. At the end I have a nice bit of furniture my wife loves, made from upcycled materials and that I can be proud of (plus I have had 2 people ask me to make them one!)
So what do you want to be an expert at?
What are you doing to build those skills?
How can you “Fail Faster?”
The One Thing You Need For Your Online Event To Wow

I was thrilled to host and speaker at a 2 day sales meeting for a client last week. At the end of the event, the delegates, the CEO and the organiser were all going WOW. It was all due to one thing!
Now online meetings and events are almost old fashioned! We have embraced the benefits of online, addressed some of it’s misgivings and the future clearly has online events as part of it.
In fact many of us now how online social events. In the past month I have had drinks sessions, dinner parties, improvised theatre performances, cabaret performances, and some music concerts all from the comfort of my own home. My nieces, nephews and close friends all study online regardless of whether it is secondary, tertiary or post grad.
But there is one thing that takes it from “Meh” to “WOW!”
That one thing is having the right event host! (Naturally I recommend me!)
My clients were thrilled that I lifted their event from the regular sales meeting to something memorable, special and fun.
My nieces and nephews happily tell me of the teachers that really bring the session to life rather than the same old – same old!
The right host is the glue that holds everything together. They build the energy when needed, make sure the technology behaves itself (and when it doesn’t, they deal with it), and ensure that the focus stays on the delegates as the main players in the event.
Whether it is me as the host, the teacher, your managers, you as the team leader, or someone else, what are you doing to make your delegates go “WOW!”
PS Warwick talked about this topic in more detail on the recent episode of the Get Events Online Live Stream. You can see the recording here.
How To Be An Influencer

Over the weekend, I made these Cinnamon Scrolls and without meaning to, I became an Influencer!
Now I am not saying there was a rush on cinnamon, but I do know that three other people made cinnamon scrolls and tagged me. That is certainly exerting some influence. Often that is all it takes. Just a nudge to two or three people and you can start something.
(By the way if you want to make these scrolls, the recipe is here.)
On a different front, I exerted even more influence.
Last week, Zoom released 5.2. While it has a few new, fun features, one really powerful feature is to be able to display your video overlaid on top of your presentation slides. When I read about it, I got a little excited (you can do it manually but this is easier).
I shot a short video showing how to do it and a few other fun things and then released it.
To date, that video has been seen on LinkedIn and Facebook about 10,000 times. It has generated some interesting responses, requests for help and a load of new connections.
In both of these examples, all I did was share something interesting, desired and put a funny, authentic twist on it. The key here is “desired”.
People were salivating over the cinnamon rolls and were excited about the new feature, especially in my network.
Could you do something similar?
What do you know of that is interesting, and desired that you can present with a funny, authentic twist?
PS You can watch that video here (now with the unintended joke at the end)
PPS The latest episode of the Get More Success Show is out.
This time I was thrilled to chat with Terry Brock. A technology journalist, speaker, humanitarian and all round nice guy. He is a man who LOVES cars, but doesn’t own one! Check the podcast for more.
Some Tips, A Resource and A Question

Life seems to be a little more full on than usual. We face different risks every day and the risks are stronger, stranger and scarier that we have been faced with for a long time! So to help, here are some tips, a resource and a question to help you.
Some Tips
1) Be kind. As shops, business and states start to open up. Please be kind. To those running the place, the other patrons and even yourself. It is a weird world now and usual rules don’t apply
2) Get Better at Video. Our world has been transformed and video is a thing, now more than ever. Julian Mather is a legend at using your smart phone to make things look awesome. If you want to communicate better over video just using your phone, he is the one to turn to. He has a free course here and then offers a more sophisticated course for a fee.
(I rarely take on affiliates but I am an affiliate of his because I am such a fan of his work. So be aware that should you choose to pay him, I would get a commission)
3) Have Fun. The Minister for Fun once told me, “If it’s not Fun – don’t do it. If you have to do it, Make it Fun!”
So no matter how distanced we have to be, you can always add a bit of fun.
A Resource
It covers some of the key things you need to do to present powerfully online.
You Won’t Believe Number 5! (He says in a click bait kind of way!)
A Question
How can I help you? With all that is going on right now, what do you need?
- If you need to connect, come to our What’s Up Wednesdays for an informal chat and connection
- If you need some coaching to really boost your online presenting skills, get in touch and let’s talk.
- If you need a burst of inspiration, check out this cover of the Foo Fighter’s Times Like These.
- If you want to have your own Online Event but don’t know how to get started, get in touch and let’s talk.
- If you have been homeschooling kids and you need a resource to help you and the kids, this song really provides what you need.
If you need anything else, get in touch and we will see what we can do.
Next Time
Ok. So next time should be on a Monday, but we will see how that goes.
Take care of yourself, those you love, those who love you and, of course, wash your hands!
2020 Goals – Is it just more, More, MORE!?
I get tired of consultants, speakers, coaches and randoms telling me, “You got to have goals. You got to work harder. You got to have more!”
I feel exhausted just listening to that.
There is another approach. Watch the video and see what you think.
Let me know your focus for 2020!
Simple Actions to Immediately Help Maintain Momentum

The beard has to go!
I had special dispensation from my gorgeous wife to grow a beard over the festive break. It is a symbolic element that shows me I am on a break. (Truth be told, it is also a symbolic element that shows me I am getting old. Loooads of silver hair in there!)
The promise I made to myself is that when I get back into it, the beard goes.
Today is the day.
I am a big believer in symbolic acts. They serve as anchor points that remind me of decisions I have made, positions I have taken, values I have upheld or times I want to celebrate. They reinforce the positive message I am giving myself and act as a reminder or “lock nut” to help ensure I stay the course.
One of these symbolic acts is to choose a theme for the year. A higher ideal or purpose to look up to. For 2020, my theme is “More Love”.
Sometimes it will be tough love, sometimes it may be generosity, sometimes it will be holding back. I see too much negativity in the world and with many of the problems we are facing in Australia, it is easy to sit back, complain and be negative about the future.
My challenge and focus for the year is to approach 2020 with More Love.
So I would LOVE it if you would accept this 2020 gift from me. It is a simple two page work sheet I use to learn from the past, plan for the future and create some action items. You can click here to get your copy.
I am interested, what actions will you take today to start your momentum for 2020?
What Will Your 2020 Be Made Of?

Here’s to a magical festive season. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Bhodi, Geeta Jayanti, Chrisnukkah or some other festive day, just know that I am wishing you the best.
2019 was an interesting year. So many good things happened. So many bizarre things happened. I achieved some of my goals, missed others and accomplished some things that were not even on my radar!!
So what does 2020 hold for you? What is it made of?
I created this poster for you. I wanted to share with you some of the things that will go into my 2020 and some of the things that could go into yours. Note that it is based on loads of love.
It feels to me like we need more love in the world. Love in the form of tolerance, respect, caring, generosity, hugs, hand holding, conversations, books, music, big picture thinking.
Governments and corporations don’t seem to care or love their people or customers anymore.
So my theme for 2020 is MORE LOVE. I invite you to join me in my quest to make the world a better place by loving more: when I can, where I can and how I can.
Here is to an amazing 2020 for you!
With Love
Warwick xxx
How Are Those Head Miles?

This image came across my social media feed last month. It was on my friends Troy’s page. I tracked it down to 2001 but its source is unknown. If you know, please tell me so I can credit it.
Many have dismissed this as a “meaningless, ridiculous statement.” Others think it is too negative and dismisses the reality of life.
I really like it.
I find it incredibly freeing.
I’m not sure about you but I do a stack of head miles worrying about things that never come to pass, obsessing about what I “should” be doing, regretting actions I never took, constructing endless conversations that I never had, wondering if I am “enough”, berating myself for being “too lazy”… the miles are endless.
This observation allows me to get a very real perspective in it’s accuracy. Some misunderstand it as a nihilist observation, but to me it is not. It shows me that the head miles are wrong.
This observation shows me that while my ghost travels in this meat covered skeleton made of stardust on this rock floating through space (around an active nuclear fusion explosion), so much is possible and enjoyable. It is a reminder that my life is so improbable to start with, don’t let little things that don’t exist stop me.
If you do some head miles, maybe this will help you too?