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Archive For: Personal Development
How to Be A Super Hero in One Easy Step
Major Goal Achieved!
Powerful People Plan to Power Down. Do You?
Happy Valentines Day (Or Week!)
How To Get In Touch With Your Creativity
What is the Most Important Part of Your Online Event (and 2021)?
Is It Safe to Face the New Year Yet?
Time to Look Ahead (but not too far!)

It’s December! For those of us in the Southern Hemisphere it means we are getting into full Summer mode. (The forecast for Sydney today is 42C – so its hot!)
Experience has also shown that often, business get into a phase down approach. Not sure if this year will be any different. COVID and 2020 in general has been a kick in the pants for many. So what usually happens is not longer what is going to happen.
But it is time to take time. Time to consider your plans for 2021. Time to consider how to finish 2020 in a strong position (or as strong as possible).
2021 will still be a bit weird and flexibility will be paramount. There is no “going back to normal” as this is the new normal. What this means is that it is not worth considering too far ahead, but it is time to at the very least plan some time for planning.
To help you, I have a one pager called a Regular Results Review. Click on the link and download it and spend an hour or so considering how far you have come this year and what next year may hold.
Here’s to a cracking time ahead!
Why Donut Day can Reconnect Us

In Melbourne yesterday (and again today), it was Donut Day. That is 0 new cases of COVID and 0 deaths due to COVID. To celebrate, our neighbour bought us these sensational donuts (the dog didn’t get any!)
One of the biggest tragedies of this pandemic is the separation of communities that were once previously connected. From “Australia – we’re all in this together” we quickly transitioned to “Every state is on their own”. This worsened to Metropolitan vs Regional.
It didn’t stop there though. There seemed to be a separation along political lines as well, and not just from the leaders of each party. There was also separation between employees and self employed. Worse still, everyone in the arts community just seemed to be abandoned, yet national sporting teams got special permissions.
So now, with a reduction in restrictions we can start to reconnect. We can rebuild our great community.
We can realise we ARE in this together. We are on the same ocean but we are in different boats. We have different levels of impact. Different levels of suffering. Different perspective on next steps.
But with empathy and understanding of what others are going though, we can reconnect and continue to face this pandemic stronger than ever.
Yay for Donut Day!
What’s the Best Way to Say Thank You?

I am very fortunate. Over the years I have received some lovely gifts to say thank you.
As a speaker it is very common to receive a bottle of wine (or two!) But as a non-drinker it was always a little disappointing (my wife and friends loved it though.) I have also received different vouchers from books stores, music stores and even cafes. And every time I was grateful for the gift.
But last week I was blown away!
I was given a thank you gift of 2.5kg of gourmet bacon! It was astounding.
Now I am not saying you should give bacon to say thank you. In fact for many, their religious/personal beliefs and lifestyle habits would mean they would be more offended than appreciated. What I am saying is match the gift to the person.
The person who gave me the gift knows I do go on a lot about bacon and I am a big fan. She also knows that I don’t drink and that chocolate is not really my friend. So when she wanted to thank me, she knew that for the same price as a really nice bottle of champagne, she could get 2.5kg of gourmet bacon delivered to my door.
So the best way to say thank you is with something that the recipient loves. Maybe they knit so would appreciate some special wool. Maybe they paint and some awesome coloured oils/water paints would be appreciated. Maybe they are into woodwork and so would appreciate a specific chisel.
A little bit of investigating, like their Facebook page, a conversation with their partner or even asking them directly, will give you some strong direction on what would be appreciated.
A general thank you is awesome but a targeted, specific thank you will make them feel extra special.
How will you be saying thank you?
I have a Severe Case of Kummerspeck

German is a fantastic language. It gives us wonderful words, that for the non-native German speakers, can sound harsh, guttural and slightly ridiculous.
But they express a situation so well.
Schadenfreude (which means getting pleasure from the pain of others) is the basis of so many tv series and YouTube channels. It is the guilty pleasure of many of us, myself included!
Zeitgeist means the mood of the culture or the spirit of the times and is now commonly used in English conversations.
But the word that best sums up what seems to be happening in my life and those around us is Kummerspeck. Literally this means Grief Bacon.
Many around me are talking about Corona Kilos added from excess eating during lock down or feeling out of control so eating over it. Surely this is grief bacon!
The pandemic has shattered our illusion of control and so we do what we can to feel more in control or to use the time we have as productively as possible. For me that means making cinnamon scrolls, brownies and other yummy treats and then giving most of what I made away.
The longer the pandemic goes on, the more of a challenge it will be for us. Personally, I suspect this pandemic will go until late 2021. There will continue to be rolling lock downs as we deal with trying to minimise the impact of the disease.
The Germans have a word for this too, Scheisse.
But in the mantra of 2020, “It is what it is”. So let’s continue on, grateful we are not dodging bullets, having bombs dropped on us, or suffering from something far worse than being forced to stay in our homes.
If you need to get out virtually, don’t forget to join my What’s Up Wednesday sessions that happen every Wednesday. Click here for more details. We just chat about what is going on and see what help everyone needs (and have a fair bit of fun along the way!)
Stay strong and love your Kummerspeck.
Do You Have Glorious Blooms that Make you Feel Good?

Let’s face it. This whole COVID thing sucks.
Having your life restricted, not being able to do what you want, business crumbling, let alone the health impact! It is also a major topic of conversation because we are all caught by it, impacted by it or influenced by it to some extent.
It is easy to get caught up in it – and that is perfectly natural.
What I try and do is focus on something glorious that makes me feel good. This image is of the tulips we have in the back yard. The kaffir lime tree is also laden and the jasmine smells fabulous. I can’t help but feel good when I see this.
I was fortunate to be in the audience of a show on Saturday night. The super talented Tash York put on a cabaret show that streamed on YouTube. It was a pay as much as you can and for 90 minutes I was entertained by her and also by the comments as the whole audience got into the show.
On Sunday, I was thrilled to be part of an Improv show, Virtually There, hosted by Paper Goat, a NZ based, world focused Improv collective. You can probably see the recording on Facebook.
Friday night I was having a Zoom call with a friend, solving the problems of the world.
Each of these things brought me some kind of joy and delight. Most of these things didn’t cost me any money. For the time I was present in those events, COVID and it’s impact were forgotten. It was an enjoyable escape.
I have found so many ways to shift my focus from the troubles and issues I am facing to something that makes me feel good, even if it is only a temporary reprieve.
What are you doing today to get your burst of feeling good?
(At the very least, check out these tulips!)
How To Deal With Being Out of Control

I was trying to get a shot with Winston the Wonder Poodle next to the almost blooming daffodils. I wanted him to look right down the barrel of the camera. As you can see, I failed. No matter what I said, promised, clicked, whistled, or did would get him where I wanted.
It feels like the same thing is happening in the world right now.
We are trying to get people to follow the rules and guidelines, yet they won’t. It is lock down in Melbourne and you are not allowed to have people visit, so one group of people decided to have a birthday party with 16 people. They got caught and now have over $26,000 in fines.
Another group of people lied about their prior whereabouts when entering Queensland and got fined $24,000. Some even tried to run from the car when they were being pursued.
So this poor behaviour means COVID19 case numbers are rising. More businesses are being locked down. Peoples lives are being put at risk. This means that they are even discussion a return to Level 4 lockdown in Melbourne.
Many people are feeling out of control, and rightly so.
So how do you deal with being out of control of so many important aspects of your life all at the one time?
One simple strategy is to be where your hands are. Our lack of control comes from thinking about the future and projecting how things will be in a time we are not even in yet.
Being where your hands are means considering, what can I do RIGHT NOW? What is my focus RIGHT NOW? What is one thing I can do RIGHT NOW that will benefit me, those around and me and move me closer to my goals.
Bringing that focus back to the here and now means you are not thinking about what could, should or would happen but on what IS happening.
I didn’t get the photo I wanted with Winston the Wonder Poodle, but I did get some fun shots. I could then move on and focus on the next thing on my list, which was to reward him for a good walk and then give him a big belly rub.
Now that made both of us happy!
Take the Time to Take the Time

What a strange world we now live in.
There are a lot of people in pain. Financial pain, pain from kids needing home school, pain from elderly parents who just won’t stay home, pain from spending as much time as you have been with all of your immediate family, pain of not having enough alone time, pain from not seeing or spending time with friends, pain of illness or even death of key people in your life… all sorts of pain.
The world has irrevocably changed for us.
We will never go back to how it was and I suspect we will horde toilet rolls for a long time to come!
So make sure you take the time to take the time.
Your kids won’t be schooled like they used to. Home schooling is different. Home schooling under lockdown is even more different. So teach them lessons they won’t get at school. Have fun with them. Play stupid games. Take the time to show them how important they are to you.
Take the time to look after yourself. Take time out in the bath. Sit on the balcony with a book. Put a do not disturb sign on your door and just spend some time with yourself.
Take the time to connect. My gorgeous wife and I are having quite a few Digital Drinks Parties. My friends 13 year old sent me a message the other day saying she missed seeing us. So tonight we are having a Digital Drinks Party. We have the technology so why wouldn’t we use it.
Take the time to potter around the place. Maybe you have a few odd jobs on the To Do list. It may be a good time to do that. Or not!
Whatever you do, you know as well as I “Life as Usual” has changed. It is more “Life as Unusual”. So take the time to consider your life. What do you want to change, what will you keep, what will you tweak.
I don’t think you need to be massively productive. I think it is important to process what is happening for you. To reach out to friends. To ask for help if you need it. To offer help if you can.
Whatever you choose to do, take the time to take the time. It’s important!
PS If you need some help taking time out, head over to Wednesday with Warwick and check out the free sessions where you can focus on you and connect with others.