Archive For: Personal Development

Exile for the Good of the Realm

We live in interesting times.

For all my gregariousness and enthusiasm, I am conservative by nature. Not one for fads but open to scientific method, new ideas, and decisions made on facts.

In the last few weeks, most of my conference bookings have been cancelled, postponed or deferred to an online event (where I tend to excel!) And the more I read about COVID-19, the more seriously I take the recommendations from the health experts.

My focus is to stay alert but not alarmed. Not to panic but to be prepared.

Here is an excellent piece by one of Australia’s most eminent doctors, Doctor Norman Swan, broadcast the ABC. It is only 8 minutes and I recommend you watch it.

So my gorgeous wife and I have made the decision to send ourselves into exile, for the good of the realm. Some call it social distancing, but going into exile sounds more exotic.

It means we are cancelling a lot of our social engagements, minimising our contact with others and doing what we can to keep everyone safe.

One of the pieces I saw said to not approach our situation to prevent ourselves from catching this virus, but to assume we already have it and to act so that we don’t spread it to others.

There have been so many great stories of people and communities supporting each other and working together to get through a messy time in our lives. Let’s be part of that. Let’s focus on the WE and not the ME.

Just know, I am here for you. If you are also going into exile and get lonely, give me a call. Let’s chat. Let’s sing songs. Let’s have group calls with others. Let’s share ideas on cleaning our bums without toilet paper (oh so many ideas on that one!)

There is so much we can do. So let’s do it together.

See you in Exile!

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2020 Goals – Is it just more, More, MORE!?

I get tired of consultants, speakers, coaches and randoms telling me, “You got to have goals. You got to work harder. You got to have more!”

I feel exhausted just listening to that.

There is another approach. Watch the video and see what you think.

Let me know your focus for 2020!

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Simple Actions to Immediately Help Maintain Momentum

The beard has to go!

I had special dispensation from my gorgeous wife to grow a beard over the festive break. It is a symbolic element that shows me I am on a break. (Truth be told, it is also a symbolic element that shows me I am getting old. Loooads of silver hair in there!)

The promise I made to myself is that when I get back into it, the beard goes.

Today is the day.

I am a big believer in symbolic acts. They serve as anchor points that remind me of decisions I have made, positions I have taken, values I have upheld or times I want to celebrate. They reinforce the positive message I am giving myself and act as a reminder or “lock nut” to help ensure I stay the course.

One of these symbolic acts is to choose a theme for the year. A higher ideal or purpose to look up to. For 2020, my theme is “More Love”.

Sometimes it will be tough love, sometimes it may be generosity, sometimes it will be holding back. I see too much negativity in the world and with many of the problems we are facing in Australia, it is easy to sit back, complain and be negative about the future.

My challenge and focus for the year is to approach 2020 with More Love.

So I would LOVE it if you would accept this 2020 gift from me. It is a simple two page work sheet I use to learn from the past, plan for the future and create some action items. You can click here to get your copy.

I am interested, what actions will you take today to start your momentum for 2020?

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What Will Your 2020 Be Made Of?

Here’s to a magical festive season. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Bhodi, Geeta Jayanti, Chrisnukkah or some other festive day, just know that I am wishing you the best.

2019 was an interesting year. So many good things happened. So many bizarre things happened. I achieved some of my goals, missed others and accomplished some things that were not even on my radar!!

So what does 2020 hold for you? What is it made of?

I created this poster for you. I wanted to share with you some of the things that will go into my 2020 and some of the things that could go into yours. Note that it is based on loads of love.

It feels to me like we need more love in the world. Love in the form of tolerance, respect, caring, generosity, hugs, hand holding, conversations, books, music, big picture thinking.

Governments and corporations don’t seem to care or love their people or customers anymore.

So my theme for 2020 is MORE LOVE. I invite you to join me in my quest to make the world a better place by loving more: when I can, where I can and how I can.

Here is to an amazing 2020 for you!

With Love

Warwick xxx

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Hope Is Not Enough. Success Needs Action.

It’s been a hell of a week.

A good friend has lost one of his best friends (who simply didn’t wake up), and then one of his daughters friends committed suicide. Someone close to me went into hospital for a few days and still needs more tests. Another freind got retrenched after working at a job and company he loves for 10 years due to a “restructure.” It seems like half of Australia is on fire and as a consequence, Koalas are in more danger of dying out. We are heading into Summer and most of Australia needs rain.

Don’t even get me started on politics. No matter where you are in the world, it seems like either the wrong people are in power or that their focus is not on the people or issues that need it.

In my conversations with people, there is a lot of talk about Hope. Hope is something powerful. It is something that keeps you sane because you can look towards better days, better circumstance, a better life.

But Hope is not enough. Success need Action.

Now I don’t mean financial success or material success (even though this is still true). What I mean is, however you define success. In terms of the country you want, the environment you want, the future you want, or more importantly, the NOW that you want.

What can you do? Is it:

  • Educate you kids, friends, family?
  • Use less plastic
  • Give more hugs
  • Plant more trees
  • Speak positively about others
  • Use a journal to deal with your feelings and concerns
  • Get a coach or a counsellor
  • Bake a meal for a friend
  • Invite a friend over for Netflix and Chill (however you interpret it)
  • Pick up a hobby
  • Write a letter to a politician
  • Be a tourist in your own town
  • Vote for the interest of the Future not for yourself

Whatever your concerns, whatever you HOPE, what can you do?
Thoughts and Prayers are nice but they are more to make you feel good than they are to solve a problem.

What tangible action can you take that will bring your hope to life?

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The Transience of Life

These are some stunning Mr Lincoln roses from our garden.

They look stunning. They smell magnificent. We have three bushes out the window (two Mr Lincolns and one Camp David – they are very Presidential!) and when the window is open the breeze wafts the joyful aroma through.

In a couple of weeks these flowers will be dead.

During their short life they have brought emotion and meaning to others. We have loved and appreciated them. Maybe someone walked past and saw them and smiled because of the one they love. Maybe they walked past and missed someone who used to be in their life who loved roses. Often our impact can be deep and unknown to us.

Sometimes the blooms last for a long time and sometimes they go well before their time due to hungry possums, disease or a mistake while pruning.

Our lives are like that of these roses.

Sometimes we bring joy just by being there but to others we may bring discomfort, through no ill will of our own. Sometimes our lives are shorter than we want and others times our inner strength sustains us.

It is important to enjoy life while you have it. Enjoy the interactions that come your way. Learn to recognise the short term inconveniences for what they are – short term. Adjust to live with the long term inconveniences.

Like a rose, sometimes you have manure spread around you (physical or symbolic) but understand it will make you stronger and while it may stink, you will end up smelling like roses.

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How is Your Personal Expression?

This is our dog, Winston the Wonder Poodle.

He will often show his happiness, excitement and delight by running around in a crazy manner, often referred to as Zoomies. We call them Circle Work. It is a way he expresses himself with no concern of what others think.

Whether he runs circles through the lounge, kitchen and entry way or does massive circles around the paddock when we are up at the shed, or this simple circle work up and down the couch, he is not ashamed to show how he feels.

We can get so hooked up on the negativity or the expectations and “shoulds” of the world that we sometimes forget to express how we feel. Then, if we do get the urge to show how we feel, we worry about “what will other people think.”

Be like Winston.

Show the world how you are feeling through your words, actions and behaviours. There are so many fabulous things happening in our world that we can forget to enjoy them or show people how they make us feel. It’s time for that to change.

How do you express yourself?

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Beware the Power of Your Words

Mark Twain said that the difference between the nearly right word and the right word is the difference between lightning and lightning-bug.

As you see from the image text, the framing of your words (even though they may be correct) also makes a huge difference.

All you need to do is visit the social media channel of your choice and you will see words being misused, misunderstood and mistaken.

Words can raise a person up to the greatest heights and can bring them crashing down just as easily.

There is power in words. Use your power wisely. I implore you to use this power for good and not evil.

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How Are Those Head Miles?

Source: Facebook Troy Love

This image came across my social media feed last month. It was on my friends Troy’s page. I tracked it down to 2001 but its source is unknown. If you know, please tell me so I can credit it.

Many have dismissed this as a “meaningless, ridiculous statement.” Others think it is too negative and dismisses the reality of life.

I really like it.

I find it incredibly freeing.

I’m not sure about you but I do a stack of head miles worrying about things that never come to pass, obsessing about what I “should” be doing, regretting actions I never took, constructing endless conversations that I never had, wondering if I am “enough”, berating myself for being “too lazy”… the miles are endless.

This observation allows me to get a very real perspective in it’s accuracy. Some misunderstand it as a nihilist observation, but to me it is not. It shows me that the head miles are wrong.

This observation shows me that while my ghost travels in this meat covered skeleton made of stardust on this rock floating through space (around an active nuclear fusion explosion), so much is possible and enjoyable. It is a reminder that my life is so improbable to start with, don’t let little things that don’t exist stop me.

If you do some head miles, maybe this will help you too?

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Why Are You Too Scared to Start?

For the first time ever, I have successfully had tulips bloom in the back garden. They look stunning and add a burst of colour and a load of joy. Anyone who visits, I whisk them out the back and say, “Look at my tulips!”

Like many people, my inner voice often tells me what I can’t do. For many years I have thought about having a better garden. It all seemed too hard. To be frank, I didn’t want to have to spend a lot of time gardening, I really didn’t know what would grow where, and the back garden bed looked a bit shabby.

I ultimately realised that I was spending more effort and energy NOT making a nice garden happen than it would to spend a little time making it look good. Slowly over the last couple of years, I have been creating some raised garden beds, planting trees and shrubs and this year, inspired by all the daffodils we saw in the UK during our trip, it was time to plant some bulbs. A quick chat to a few gardening friends, chat to the nursery owner and a little bit of Googling, and I was away.

I have to say, planting bulbs turned out to be the easiest bit of gardening ever and one of the most rewarding also. Click on the video above to see them.

What about you?
What have you been spending more effort avoiding than it would actually take to do?
Why not take a few simple steps forward with it and see where you end up?

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How Is Your Performance?

Brennon Dowrick – Pommel Horse Routine

I had the great joy in hosting the Class Connect conference this week. The opening speaker was Olympian Brennon Dowrick OAM.

His performance was amazing. Check out a small piece of it in the video above. The fact that he talked to us while spinning around the pommel horse and gave us some great tips on how to get better at what we do (without all the physical workouts!)

One of the key takeaways for me was the extra 15 minutes a day. When he was training, he was getting scores that had no deductions. But his trainer said he could be better, and all that mean was training an extra 15 minutes a day. Do that every day and in a year you have trained 70 hours more than your competitor.

How are you training for your performance?
How can you add 15 minutes a day to stay that one little bit ahead of the game?
What can you do today?

As some readers know, I sing. My quartet has a gig coming up in Melbourne on October 25th (I would love to see you there if you are in Melbourne that night). I am no gifted singer, but I continue to work at it. I call my car “The Rehearsal Studio” as I get my extra 15 mins as I drive to and from appointments. It does make a big difference.

Here is a recent track we did, a cover of Tears for Fears, Mad World. Hope to see you at the gig!!

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How To Open Up And Reap The Rewards

Why does it feel like we are shutting down?

We seem to pay more attention to our phones than the people around us. Admit it, who do you connect with first thing in the morning? Is it your phone or your partner or your pet?

Countries are shutting down. The debacle that is Brexit, Trade wars between USA and the rest of the world, rising nationalism that seems to echo to the chant of “mine, mine, mine”, even today when I offered to contribute to a white paper being put together by a sister association, when they discovered I was from a different country, I was un-invited.

How did we get it so wrong?

At a time when we have less wars than ever before, more global trading than ever before, more immigration and global citizens than ever before, more global problems than ever before, why are we not connecting more?

It seems we have forgotten how to connect and maybe even play nicely with others.

On a recent power session I ran on How to Connect with People, some of the participants were amazed at the simplicity of how to connect. Basic things that they don’t do that they used to do.

To re-connect on a global level, why not connect more on a personal level. Look up from your phone, your desk, your immediate concerns and go and connect with others. Prospects, customers, colleagues, friends, family and also your pets.

You will be better for it!

If you want to get access to the How to Connect session, head here.

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How to Connect (and Mean It!)

With the rapid rise of digital, one of the skills that people seem to struggle with is how to connect with other people.

Whether it is meeting prospects, networking, making new friends, socialising or simply trying to connect with a salesperson and not feel like you have to be on guard, connecting with others is such an important skill.

Let’s face it, how many people do you know who will avoid a phone call? They will email, text, message and seem to spend half the day going back and forth rather than spend the 10 minutes on the phone with the person.

Truth be told, so many people have asked me about this lately that I am running a 30 minute power session on the 5 Keys to Connecting this Thursday. Click the link and register to join us or access the recording.

The first key is the easiest, use the persons name.

Image: Spotify

Of all the words in the world, the one word people love the most is their name. So why wouldn’t you use it? It is personal, so make sure you weave it into the conversation. Don’t worry if you forget it, just ask for it again!

If you want to know the other 5 keys, join us on Thursday. Head here for more info. Then you can connect and truly mean it.

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Something Extra

Mad World – Ice Haloes

It seems important that people have a hobby. Have a place they can go where the focus is entirely on them and they are relieved of any responsibilities or cares, even if it is only for a short time.

Some people have said to me, “My kids are my hobby” or “my business is my hobby as well”. That doesn’t compute! The way you get relief from your responsibilities and stress is to take on more responsibilities and stress??

It is not selfish, it is self care. That something extra gives you time to be truly you and reconnect with what counts.

One of the things I do is sing. A bit over a year ago I decided to push myself and join a quartet. We are called Ice Haloes and we just put out a video of one of our latest songs, Mad World. You can see it above.

We are getting ready for a concert in Melbourne on Fri 25th October. No doubt I will keep you informed.

What is your “Something Extra”?

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Preventative Maintenance


I am just back from the dentist. I go every six months. Usually it is quite uneventful. I get told I don’t floss enough (it’s now at the point I tell my dentist I am not flossing enough so she doesn’t have to tell me). She scrapes, cleans, polishes my teeth and says, “see you in 6 months”.


Every now and again there is something new. This time she told me to get a specific tooth brush as it will protect my gums more. Sometimes I have an x-ray. Every couple of years there maybe a filling or an extraction (I miss my wisdom teeth!) It doesn’t take much and it minimises the chance of something major going wrong.

Leadership and Management are the same, particularly with the level of change that currently exists.

So often supervisors and leaders get promoted to the position but “forget” the regular check up. Decay in the form of poor behaviours or old techniques can settle in and end up undermining you completely.

People join a company but leave a manager.

You owe it to your team and yourself to get your six month check up. It could be a conversation with a coach or mentor. It may be formal study or a short course. It may be continual reading of articles and books. It could be active involvement in your professional association and their activities.

How are you giving yourself a check up? Let me know if you need help.

Plus don’t forget to have a regular dental check up. Got to love a big smile!

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